Chapter 18

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The weekend after they'd lost their match against Karasuno, Oikawa had scheduled an appointment with a sports physician to have his knee looked at, as it had been bothering him worse than before after his fall. He'd asked Iwaizumi if he would go with him for moral support, and the other cautiously agreed.

"I'm sorry to tell you, Oikawa san, but this doesn't look very good," the doctor had said solemnly, "It would appear that when you fell, the impact injured the cartilage surrounding the knee, and I'm going to have to ask that you refrain from playing volleyball for at least a few months. This injury isn't uncommon, but it can become very serious if not properly taken care of."

"I-I can't play volleyball?" Oikawa asked, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Only for a couple of months. We're going to set you up with a few follow-up appointments before you leave in order to check on your progress."

"But, he'll be able to play again, right? This isn't permanent right?" Iwaizumi wouldn't have been able to live with himself if Oikawa's future had been taken from him.

"Yes, he will be able to play again, but things will be different from now on. You're going to have to take extra care of yourself and your body from now on. If this happens again, I'm not so sure I'll be able to give you the same news."

That night, Iwaizumi held Oikawa tightly as he sobbed into his chest, feeling a pain of his own with every tear that fell.

A month following the game, Oikawa had called one final team meeting, the last time that they would all be together in the gym, and the third-years took their turns saying their goodbyes to the underclassmen. To everyone's complete surprise, Kunimi was the first to cry when Makki and Mattsun were taking turns telling everyone their favorite moments from playing together.

Iwaizumi could barely hold himself together, not wanting to look into the eyes of the people that had been depending on him and that he'd let down, but he set a stoic look on his face and told them all just how proud he was of each and every one of them, and encouraged them to never give up. Not like me.

When it came time for Oikawa to speak, however, there was not a dry eye in the room. "I know that as your captain I failed you." There were attempts to protest, but he held up his hand, silencing them all. "But as your upperclassman and senpai, I want you all to know that you have never once failed me. Going into this season, I had definitely had my reservations about whether our little group would be able to mesh or not," Yahaba smirked and nudged Kyotani in the side who gave a small smile before returning to his usual scowl, "but looking at all of now, I see so much more than just the Aoba Johsai Volleyball Team. I see a family. There have been so many memories made here that I never want any of you to forget."

He turned to look at the first-years. "Kindaichi and Kunimi, thank you for giving me the honor of watching you both grow so much from the time that we were in middle school until now. I know that you're both going to do amazing things in the future and you know damn well that I'll be in the front row of your professional games, cheering at the top of my lungs." They both laughed and wiped at their eyes in an attempt to stop the tears.

He turned to the second-years next. "Yahaba, you have grown so much as a player and as a setter, and I feel confident that I'm leaving the team in very capable hands." Yahaba gave him a soft smile. "Watari, you are a freaking star. There are so many plays that only you have been able to pull off and I honestly believe that you are the backbone of this team. Please keep these numbskulls in line next year so they don't all kill each other." Watari laughed and gave him a thumbs up. "And, Mad Dog-chan, where do I even begin?" the entire gym broke into laughter. "All joking aside, I can definitely see just how much you've grown. From the first time that I met you and you threatened to rip my arms off so I couldn't set anymore, to now, where, just so you know, I definitely saw you smile earlier. I'm proud of you. Keep progressing and I know that you'll be unmatched."

He turned to Hanamaki and Matsukawa. "Makki and Mattsun, my favorite assholes." Makki gave a bow while Mattsun blew him a kiss. "We've been through quite a bit these last three years, haven't we? Thank you for being my teammates and my friends and sticking by me this whole time, even if it wasn't always the most appreciated..." He walked forward and put his hands on one of their shoulders each. "I appreciate you both more than you know, and even though you annoy the living hell out of me on the daily, I love you guys. Thank you."

Finally, he turned to the last person in the room. This was the moment that Iwaizumi had been dreading since the beginning, guilt already eating away at him. He knew that Oikawa had every right to yell at him, but he wouldn't. He was too kind.

"Iwa-chan. You've always been my person, since the time that we were kids, and I could not be more thankful to have your trust and your love. Now, I could get super sappy and emotional and make everyone here uncomfortable...but I won't put them through that. I can be nice sometimes," the room filled with laughter once again, as well as a few sighs of relief. "But I just want you to know that I have always been proud to be your partner, too, and I always will be." He turned to look away and Iwaizumi could have sworn he saw a hint of nervousness on his face before he turned back. "No matter where the future leads us both, I want you to always remember that, and remember how much I love you." He leaned in and gave the other a light kiss.

The team embraced. Even though they would still be seeing each other at school, the reality that this was the last time that they would be seeing each other together in the gym had finally sunk in. They reminisced for a while longer before parting ways for the last time.

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