Chapter 5

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"Do you trust me, Hajime?" Oikawa questioned, voice low, as he ran his hands up and down the front of Iwaizumi's clothed chest.

The other took a deep breath before bringing his eyes up to meet the ones in front of him. The view was breathtaking. Oikawa's eyes were wide and round and rich like chocolate. They were full of nothing but love. He craved more of them. He reached his hands up so that they were buried in the setter's hair on the back of his head. "You know that I do, Tooru. I trust you more than anyone else."

"That's what I was hoping you would say," Oikawa purred as he ran a finger along Iwaizumi's collar bone, slowly moving to his shoulders, down his arms, and finally to the hem of his shirt. He pushed under the material, running his hands lightly over the toned abdominal muscles in front of him. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this."

Iwaizumi bit his bottom lip and closed his eyes at the feeling of his shirt being lifted up and over his head. I can't believe this is happening. This is too good to be true...

...and it was, because when he opened his eyes next, it wasn't the alluring features of his best friend that he was greeted with, but rather his ceiling fan, the low sound being emitted from it and Iwaizumi's breathing the only sounds occupying the still room.

It was all a dream. Oh my god, it was just a dream. He took deep breaths to calm himself down, heart rate rising quickly as the images in the dream came back to him. Why does my subconscious hate me so much all of a sudden, he groaned as he threw his hands over his face, which were noticeably burning up. Reaching down, he checked his phone, eyes squinting and attempting to focus in on the bright screen in front of them. It displayed the time: 5:00 AM. Okay, that's still two hours before I have to be at school. I can just go back to sleep for another hour and forget all about this. That's when he noticed the presence of a rather...unwelcome visitor. ...or I can go take a cold shower instead.

He dragged his body to the bathroom, still heavy with sleep, and turned on the water, letting the cold sensation envelop him and awaken his senses. Once he had managed to cool down enough and didn't wish to feel as though he was taking an ice bath anymore, he turned the handle and the bathroom instantly steamed up as hot water came spilling out of the shower head. He stood there for so long he'd lost all sense of time. Had he been in for ten minutes or an hour? He wasn't sure, but he also didn't care. All that mattered was that the water was effectively melting away his stress and anxiety, muscles completely relaxed and head completely empty.

A little bit later, after he was content with the state that he was in, and felt as though he would somewhat be able to pass as a functioning human being, he stopped the water. At some point during his shower, he thought he had heard his mother yell something up at him from the living room, but he'd shaken it off. Whatever it was could wait until he was dressed and downstairs. He looked around for his towel before remembering that he had forgotten to replace it after doing his laundry yesterday. This wasn't much of a problem, as his bathroom was connected to his room, so the chances of his mother seeing his bare ass were slim to none. It would just be more annoying than anything as he dripped water across the floor.

He groaned in annoyance and shook his head a few times, excess water flying across the room, and turned the door knob. The sight that he was greeted with when he opened the door would have, any other time, been more than welcome, but given the circumstances, he was simply mortified.

Oikawa was lounging against the wall on Iwaizumi's bed, feet propped up and eyes trained on his phone in his lap, smiling as he scrolled. "Good morning! How did you sleep last ni-AAH!" he yelped as he looked up from the phone, eyes tripling in size and face instantly turning about thirty shades of red. He blinked a couple of times before quickly turning himself around on the bed, throwing his face into his knees. "What are you doing!?"

"What am I doing!? This is my damn house! What the hell are you doing?" Iwaizumi yelled back, face heating up once again.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Your mom let me in and told me I could just wait in your room!"

Iwaizumi shook his head. This has to be karma for last night. "Okay but that still doesn't explain why you're here at," he looked at the time on his phone, "six in the fucking morning."

"Umm, Iwa-chan," Oikawa sounded nervous, a tone that he rarely used, "do-do you think you could put on some clothes? So I can turn around and we can talk?"

Suddenly very aware of that fact that he was still standing there, completely naked, while Oikawa was still in the room, he scrambled to put on the closest clean uniform he could find, struggling a bit to get it on over his still-wet body, and sat at the edge of the bed. He placed a hand on Oikawa's shoulder to let him know that he could now turn around.

Iwaizumi set a stern gaze on the other. "So would you like to start by telling me what you're doing here?"

"W-well, I thought that I would bring you coffee this morning and surprise you," his eyes darted everywhere around the room except for the ones staring at him, "and also as my way of saying sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"A couple of things actually. First, for being selfish and taking you away from your studying to come over just because I was lonely, and second for my sister interrupting last night..." his voice trailed off and he swallowed hard, "and I guess I now have a third thing to apologize for."

Iwaizumi stared at him incredulously. Was this the same Oikawa that he had been with just last night? The same Oikawa who snuggled into his lap, who tenderly trailed his fingers all over his arms and back, who looked at him with hooded eyes and no regrets?

He cleared his throat. "First of all, don't you dare think that you were being selfish, because you and I both know that it was ultimately my decision to come over. I wouldn't have done so if I really hadn't wanted or wasn't able to." Oikawa smiled a bit at the reassuring words. "Second of all, though your sister may have come in at a bit of an...inopportune time, I was happy to have been able to see her for a bit. And third of all, why don't we just agree that this morning never happened?" Oikawa looked as though he wanted to refute but Iwaizumi continued, "plus, it's not like we've never seen each other pretty much naked in the changing room before. I'm pretty sure I've seen more than enough of everyone on the team to last me a lifetime..." he shuddered in horror.

Oikawa laughed hard at this, "Oh my god, I can't even count on both of my hands the amount of times that my poor eyes have been subjected to Makki's pasty, bare ass." The room filled with laughter, any awkward feelings being pushed out the window. "Although," Oikawa continued after he'd composed himself for the most part, eyeing his friend up and down, "it's not like you have anything to be embarrassed of."

Iwaizumi screamed internally but remained (mostly) composed on the outside. "So anyway, the moral of the story is that no, I will not be accepting your apology, because you have nothing to apologize for." Oikawa looked like he wanted to protest but the other held up his hand, "but I will most definitely be accepting your coffee. I have a feeling I'm going to need it today." He smiled at the setter, "Now let's get to school?"

"But we still have an hour?"

"Eh, we'll take the scenic route."

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