Chapter 10

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When they finally got to Kunimi's house, Oikawa reached to knock on the door but it swung open before his hand could even make contact.

"You." Kunimi was pissed. He turned to Hanamaki and Matsukawa with an accusatory finger in each of their faces. "What. The actual fuck. Did you do?"

Mattsun picked the first year up and swung him over his shoulder as he walked into the house and Makki explained "we heard you weren't going to be going anywhere, so we decided to bring the fun to you!" The three of them disappeared into the crowd, two laughing and one yelling profanities at the others as they went.

Oikawa was stunned at the sight that he had just witnessed. "Do-do you think we should go after them?"

Suddenly, Kindaichi ran into view, frantically searching for something, and then ran in the direction that the three had just disappeared, waving his hands above his head in an attempt to flag someone down.

Iwaizumi was just as surprised. "I-I think they'll be fine?" It came out more as a question than a statement.

The two locked eyes, still standing outside of the house, and began laughing hysterically, clutching their sides and wheezing in the cold air. Iwaizumi shivered once they had settled down and Oikawa's eyes grew wide.

"Here," he took off his blazer and handed it to Iwaizumi, "you look pretty chilly. I know that it might be a bit snug, but just take it okay? I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if you got sick or something."

"Oikawa, you don't have to-"

"Nope, not another word," Oikawa stepped over the threshold and offered his hand, "now let's go have some fun."

Iwaizumi put on the blazer, it was a bit fitted around his arms and shoulders, but it smelled like Oikawa so he literally could not care any less, and a wide grin broke out on his face as he grabbed the hand in front of him. He allowed himself to be pulled inside, the warmth of dozens, maybe even a hundred or so, bodies suddenly rushing on all sides of him, and yet he could only bring himself to notice one.

It was exhilarating; the feeling of one's senses simultaneously being heightened and dulled. Of hearing a multitude of voices and yet only recognizing one. Of feeling bodies rushing past and bumping into him while the only one resonating was the hand in his. The smell of cheap cologne and perfume swirled in the room, but all that mattered was the familiar scent of Oikawa on his blazer. The taste of salty snacks and sweet drinks enjoyed throughout the night was masked by the perspiration that found its way to his upper lip as they danced and sang off-key. He would have normally been overwhelmed by the sights around him, but the only thing that he truly saw was Oikawa Tooru, his best friend, standing right in front of him and smiling as bright as the sun.

Iwaizumi reached a hand up and placed it on Oikawa's cheek, the latter leaning into the warmth from the soft touch. It's time.

"So about what I was saying earlier," he started but was quickly interrupted by the roar coming from the television announcing that the countdown to the New Year was about to begin. Oikawa pointed to his ear and shook his head, signifying that he could no longer hear him over the noise.

Fuck this. Iwaizumi grabbed the other tightly by the hand as he navigated through the room and pushed out onto the patio around the back of the house. They found that the only other people crazy enough to be outside in the chilly air were Hanamaki and Matsukawa, who were sitting a few feet away on a bench. The strawberry blonde had his head on the other's shoulder as the brunette, in return, had his arm slung around him and was running a hand up and down the side of his torso. When they noticed that they were no longer alone, the affection died slightly, but upon seeing that the new arrivals were their friends, they perked up and ran over to greet them.

I Fell In Love With You On New Year's EveWhere stories live. Discover now