Chapter 6

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Iwaizumi walked out of his last class of the day feeling pretty confident about the exam that he'd just taken...pretty confident that he had managed to completely flunk it, that is. He banged his head onto the wall in front of him, an echo resonating through the hallway, praying to every god that he could think of that he'd somehow managed to just barely scrape by. It's not my fault that my brain is so smitten all of a sudden that I can't even think straight anymore. Heh, straight. Definitely nothing straight about these thoughts lately...oh god, I've been spending too much time with Makki and Mattsun.

He shook his head roughly, earning a few concerned stares from some other students in the vicinity, before pulling himself together and walking away. He'd gotten out of class early and he wasn't taking any college prep classes, so he headed in the direction of the club room, figuring that he could get a few minutes of practice in alone before classes officially let out and chaos ensued.

He hummed to himself as he turned the knob and walked into the room, the familiarly disgusting smell of sweat and high-school boy burning his nostrils. He cringed a bit before walking over to his locker and stuffing his bag inside, unaware of the other presence in the room until it spoke.

"Oh hey!" Oikawa greeted his friend with a smile, "looks like you got out of class early too."


"Oh that's right, you had your test at the end of the day! How did it go? I'm sure you aced it like always," he chuckled before returning to what he had been doing.

Iwaizumi couldn't have answered even if he wanted to, seeing as his mouth had instantly gone completely dry at the sight of the most godly thing known to man right in front of him, or rather, the most godly thing known to this man.

Oikawa was standing in front of his locker, completely shirtless and rummaging through his bag in search of his practice jersey. The setter was lean and not overly muscular but, to Iwaizumi, the way that the outline of a six-pack lightly dusted his stomach was an absolute sin. The freckles that painted constellations on the smooth skin of his back and arms were enough to bring any man to his knees. Iwaizumi had obviously seen Oikawa shirtless countless times before and after games and at the pool and such, but this was the first time that he was truly taking note of the little details, appreciating the components that merged together perfectly to make someone so flawless. He hadn't even realized that he had been staring for as long as he was. His soul had slowly trickled its way out of his body and did not seem to have any intention of returning for the foreseeable future.

"Do you want to touch me, Hajime?"

Iwaizumi came back to life in an instant.

"W-what did you just say?" his eyes were wide, though Oikawa couldn't tell if it was fear or something else that was occupying them.

"I said do you want to come practice with me? What did you think I said?"

Iwa shook his head, reasoning that perhaps the banging of his brain against his skull would be enough to wake it up and bring it back to reality. "Oh, nothing. I was just spacing out I guess and didn't hear what you said," he scratched at the base of his neck and let out a nervous laugh.

"Hmmmm. You're a terrible liar, you know? But I'll let it pass this time," he turned to leave, "I'm gonna head in, just come find me after you're changed!"

The pair had barely been able to practice uninterrupted for ten minutes, Oikawa setting the ball and Iwaizumi spiking it down, when, right on schedule, chaos walked in.

"Oh my god, I am literally begging you at this point." Kunimi walked into the gym with two arms that definitely did not belong to him around his shoulders, Hanamaki on the left and Matsukawa on the right. The normally laid-back and docile first year was practically oozing anger. "Please stop calling me your son," he shrugged off Mattsun, "and please stop putting your arms around me like that. People are starting to stare in the hallway," Makki was next. "Oh, and while we're on the topic, would you please stop coming to the first year classrooms looking for me? It's creepy and weird."

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