Chapter 2

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Iwaizumi did everything in his power to avoid Oikawa at all costs when he'd eventually made his way to school. Literally ducking behind a trash can when he'd heard his best friend looking for him and calling his name from the end of the hallway wasn't necessarily his best look thus far, but he really didn't care. He would be able to endure the confused stares as his fellow third years walked by, silently judging. He skipped out on lunch, opting, instead, to take a nap in the library. Avoiding someone was exhausting and he wasn't sure what would happen when he actually had to interact with Oikawa, but he was going to put it off as long as he could. Before he knew it, the last bell was already sounding, notifying that school was officially over for the day and that clubs would be starting.

Shit, he thought as he walked toward the changing room. No, it's fine. Just go in, get changed, and get to the court. He's normally a few minutes late anyway being held up by his fangirls...Iwaizumi hated the way that the thought of hordes of girls throwing themselves at the setter was suddenly enough to make his blood boil. He was just about to walk into the room when Oikawa strutted over to stand in front of him.

"Iwa-chaaaan," he whined out, "where have you been all day!? I've been looking all over for you and couldn't find you! I asked around and nobody had seen you either. You weren't answering my texts and I got worried. You made me eat all alone with Makki and Mattsun, Iwa. Makki and Mattsun," he emphasized to show his displeasure. "They were talking, never mind. I don't want to think about it..." he trailed off, the horrified look on his face insinuating that he had probably been scarred for life.

Iwaizumi couldn't help but let out a laugh at the thought of whatever the hell his friends could have been discussing to make Oikawa this uncomfortable, though it normally didn't take much. He loved it, making a mental note to ask the pair about it later so that he could torment his friend further. He was quickly snapped out of his thoughts, though, as Oikawa suddenly turned, looking Iwaizumi directly in the eyes and putting his hands on his shoulders, effectively making the latter squirm a bit at the sudden touch. "Don't do that again. Please." His voice dropped a bit as he continued, "you weren't avoiding me were you? You normally at least answer my texts in the morning and all I got was radio silence. It was kind of weird and I didn't like it," Oikawa jutted out his hip and placed a hand on it for dramatic effect, never once breaking eye contact. He narrowed his eyes, waiting for a response.

Yeeeah...I can't do this.

"I, umm, I'm gonna run to the bathroom. Just get changed and actually get to practice on time for once, Loserkawa," Iwaizumi said roughly before shimmying out of Oikawa's grip and jogging in the opposite direction. Ah, yes, insults. Way to go Hajime, you don't sound like an ass at all now. And let's just run away while we're at it. Smooth move, idiot. He mentally slapped himself upside the head before turning around and adding quickly, "and make sure you stretch your knee properly this time. I don't want you getting hurt again."

"Awwww, Iwa-chan, you do care about me!" he called after him, "but don't think that this conversation is over, because it's not!"

Iwaizumi quickly rushed into the bathroom and banged his head against one of the stall doors. "What the hell was that!?" he yelled at himself out loud, "I'm such an idiot..."he let his head lay against the door for a moment before a silent voice came from inside of the stall.

"Ummm, you good man?" the voice quietly asked. He didn't recognize its owner.

Iwaizumi's head jolted up and he stared at the door, eyes wide. Oh my god...

"For what it's worth, you're probably not as big of an idiot as you think," the voice suggested.

He was mortified. I have to get out of here. Right now. I can never show my face in this bathroom again.

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