CHAOS Part 2

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(A/n: Sup Guys! Here's another chapter for today. Hope you enjoy it!)

3rd POV.

           The Castina's army still isn't finished with fighting off the monsters that are attacking their kingdom. A messenger suddenly went to where the emperor was resting to inform him what has happened back in the Castle...

Messenger: Your highness, there is very bad news!

Ruveliss: What is it?

Messenger: The castle has been invaded by the monsters, your highness! The Empress was being protected by both of the foreign princesses!!!

Ruveliss: WHAT!? Tell the others to gather some men for me to take back home to defeat those monsters! 

Messenger: Of course, your highness!!!




Edira: The monsters informed me that the bastard is going back here. Get ready.

Avyanna: Of course, Edira!




Knight: Yoy highness, we already arrive here in the palace.

Ruveliss: Is that so? Very well then. Send all the troops to kill the monsters in the palace while I find the princesses and the Empress.

Knight: Yes, your highness!




1 hour later...

Avyanna: Your highness!!!

Ruveliss: Princess Avyanna! What happened to you? Are you okay? Are you hurt!?

Avyanna: I'm fine your highness...but m-my c-cousin a-and the e-empress was m-missing...

Ruveliss: Did you know what happened to them?

Avyanna: W-we were f-forced to separate our paths b-because a super-strong monster was c-chasing us... (sobs)

Ruveliss: Shhh, don't cry I will make sure to find them. How about getting something to eat for a while?

Avyanna: The servants have fled, your highness.

Ruveliss: Oh, alright then. Also, just call me Ruveliss. No need to be formal princess.

Avyanna: T-then j-just call me Avyanna then your-No I mean Ruveliss.

Ruvelliss: Very well then, let's go to the kitchen.

Avyanna: How about I cook for us Ruveliss? 

Ruveliss: You can cook?

Avyanna: Yup! It's my hobby~ (Pfft- poisoning you will be too easy! I'll just send you to sleep~)

Ruveliss: Very well then let's go.




3rd POV.

          While Avy is preparing the food and slipping some sleeping potion in Ruveliss's food, Ruveliss is looking directly at Avy and was too distracted by her appearance to realize she put something in his food. Meanwhile with Edira...


Edira: Pfft- Even if you scream bitch no one will come and save you! They can't even hear you in the first place!!!

Jieun: What did I ever do to you in the first place!?

Edira: You're asking me what you did? Do you really want to know?

Jieun: YES!!!

Edira: Very well then. I might just show you who I was before you and that fxxking bastard killed me!!! (Shows her past self appearances)

Jieun: W-wait y-your!?!

Edira: Indeed it is I, Aristia la Monique. The one who you two axxhxles killed!!! And you know I was waiting for this moment for you to know who I am.

Jieun: W-why?

Edira: Because I want you to know who you messed up with. I want you guys to suffer like how I suffered!!! You guys ruined me and it is my turn to ruin you and that bastard!~

Jieun: L-look I-Im sorry!!! I-

Edira: Save it! I don't want to hear your excuses you whore! I swear to myself I would kill you with my own hands and I'll make sure I will keep my promise to myself.

Jieun: Please have mercy!!!

Edira: Sorry bitch, I don't give any mercy to people like you~ (*Took her eyes out and slice her arms with her sword*)


Edira: Hahhh~ Your scream is lovely music to my ears, So keep going until you passed out~~




Avyanna: So Ruveliss, how is the food?

Ruveliss: It's very delicious Avyanna! I love it~

Avyanna:  Great then!

Ruveliss: But I feel very tired...

Avyanna: You can sleep for a while.

Ruveliss: Is it okay for you?

Avyanna: Yes.

Ruveliss: Okay I'll sleep then... (sleeps on a couch)




Edira: How is it?

Avyanna: He's already asleep just like we planned.

Edira: Good. Anyways, the monsters already destroyed all his troops.

Avyanna: Really? Great then! I already told someone to get him for you.

Edira: Okay. Did you make sure to put him into a deep sleep?

Avyanna: Yes.

(A/n: Hi guys! Sorry if I don't update often. I'm very busy with my school and my brain is blocking many ideas for this story. Anyways, thanks for reading this book! I really x2 appreciate it!!! Love you guys, Byee!!!)

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