Training Time!!!

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3rd POV.

          Edira was having a wonderful time in her dream when suddenly...









          This is how Princess Edira Jade Alvarez started her morning.

Avyanna: Ugh! Do you have to smack me??? That hurts you know! (Pouts)

Edira: Don't pout, You don't look cute. You look ugly.

Avyanna: You're so mean!!! Hmph!

Edira: Just eat your breakfast, We're gonna be late because your so slow (Smirk)

Avyanna: Whatever...

After Breakfast...

Avyanna: C'mon hurry up! 

Edira: Yeah, yeah. Whatever...

Avyanna: Here we are! We're finally here.

Edira: Finally!!!

Avyanna: Fatass (Smirk)

Edira: Whatever Grandma (Smirk)

Avyanna: Hmph! Whatever...

Cassiopea: Good. You two are finally here!

Edira: So what's our training for today???

Cassiopea: Well first you need to clear out everything that's on your mind

Avyanna: Alright. Sounds easy to me...






After 2 hours...

Avyanna: Why can't I do it???

Edira: Just focus.

Avyanna: But I'm already focusing!!!

Edira: But not enough.

Cassiopea: Just take a deep breath first then exhale it all out. After that just focus and clear out the unnecessary things that are on you're mind and focus on the dimension you want to go into. 

Avyanna: Alright.






After 5 minutes...

Avyanna: I did it!!! I finally did it!!!

Cassiopea: Good Job.

Edira: We can see it, dumbass.

Avyanna: Hmph! How about you? Can you do it already???

Edira: (Summon a Portal) 

Avyanna: Whatever... Can we visit a dimension now, Lady Cassiopea???

Cassiopea: Hmm maybe next time.

Avyanna: Awww... That sucks...

Edira: Yeah...

Cassiopea: You may visit some other dimension tomorrow. 

Edira: Why tomorrow?

Cassiopea: Both of your parents might be worried sick because I know that you guys didn't tell anyone where you two are going.

Avyanna: Oh. Right...

Cassiopea: Alright. Goodbye, you two! (Teleports them back to the Palace)

Avyanna & Edira: Bye...

3rd POV.

          And true to Cassiopea's words both of the girls found their parents worried sick about them and were given a long terrible scolding and lecture about always letting someone know where they'll be going and asking permission. And both of the girls swear that they'll never gonna do it again.

Hello Everyone!!! Thank you for reading this trashy story of mine. And where do you think both of the girls we'll be going??? Comment below and maybe you'll guess it right! 


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