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(All of the pictures that I used are not mine credited to the owner)

3rd POV.

                    While Athanasia and Aristia were talking they didn't notice a person just appeared behind them...

???: I see you two are getting along. That makes me happy...

Aristia: Uhh...May I ask who you are?

???: Oh! My name is Casiopea the Goddess of Fate and Destiny.

Athanasia: A GODDESS!?!

Casiopea: (Giggles) Yes. I'm also sorry for both of your fates. This isn't supposed to happen.

Athanasia: W-what d-do you mean? 

Casiopea: I mean both of you should have a great life but the Goddess of love, Lorien mess up so you both had terrible fates. I'm sorry...

Aristia: So what now?

Casiopea: Well I decided to give you both a second chance. You will be born as cousins. Athanasia will be the crown princess of the Apocalypse Empire while you Aristia will be the crown princess of the Alvarez Empire. You two will be able to wield any weapon that existed in every dimension and also be able to use Light, Dark, and Gray Magic. You can also change to any kind of form (Angel, Demon, Dragon, Wolf, Phoenix, Vampire, Kitsune, etc.).

Athanasia: Really!? 

Casiopea: Yes. So do you accept my proposal?

Aristia: Hmmm... Do our Empires in the same dimension as our past life Empires?

Casiopea: Yes, but they never heard of these Empires before even though they are powerful and in the same dimension because those 2 Empires are blessed by the creator himself.

Athanasia: You mean God?

Casiopea: Yes. So will you two accept my proposal?

Athanasia & Aristia: Only if we can get our revenge.

Casiopea: Well you two can get your revenge.

Athanasia: Then we accept.

Casiopea: Alright. Goodbye, you two. See ya!  (Send them to their new lives).

Athanasia & Aristia: (Get's thrown into a portal) Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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