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 January 20th, 2016 

 Yoongi breathed in the fresh night air from the balcony where he stood. He took another sip of his hot chocolate to warm him up some.

"Soomin please eat. You need to eat or you're not going to get better!" Yoongi flinched when he heard his dad's voice coming from the open bedroom window.

"I don't want to..." His mother's voice was weak and full of pain.

"You don't wa-want to get better?" He heard his dad's voice break.

"Ah!" Yoongi gasped in pain at the burning sensation on his hand. He hadn't realized his hands had been shaking. Because he was distracted he missed what his mother replied with but he heard her crying and his father comforting her. He resisted the urge to throw his mug on the ground.

Why do we have to live like this?

February 3rd, 2016 

 "What about you, Yoongi Hyung? Do you like it?" Hoseok asked, referring to his new jacket. Jungkook was leaned across the cafeteria table while they were distracting talking to steal a fry from Taehyung.

"No," Yoongi replied without looking up from his phone.

"Whatcha doing, Hyung?" Namjoon raised his eyebrows curiously.

"Nothing." Yoongi still didn't look away from his phone.

"Ooo I bet you're texting Heeyoung Noona!" Jimin joined in. This made Yoongi look up just to glare at them when they all leaned closer and went 'ooo~'.

"I am not!" Yoongi looked back down to hide his flustered face.

"Then what are you doing?" Jungkook postponed his quest to steal another fry from Taehyung and tried to peek at Yoongi's phone.

"Why are you guys so nosey?" Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Heeyoung's birthday is on the thirteenth. I'm trying to think of what to get her. Besides, Heeyoung can't even be texting me right now. You guys know she's busy."

"Oh really! That's so nice. I wish I had a girlfriend to spoil," Namjoon commented.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Yoongi got even more flustered. "Look, I'm only telling you guys so that you can help me decide what to get her. There's nothing that she has been hinting at wanting."

"I don't know, just get her a bracelet or something."

"She says bracelets and rings are too much work to put on and off when she washes her hands. Remember, she's a baker. She washes her hands more times than I take naps."

"Get her something Gucci."

"I don't think-" Yoongi started to say.

"Get a new mixer. She loves baking so it's the obvious choice!"

"She probably has one for each type of pastry she makes." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Buy her makeup."

"She doesn't need makeup, idiot." Yoongi waved his hand at the suggestion.

"Why not buy her a pet? Girls love animals."

"Did you forget she has a dog?" Yoongi narrowed his eyes at them. He felt like he was talking to a bunch of fools.

"Just buy her a hoodie or something. Clothes are the best gift because girls never have enough to wear and she'll probably wear it even if she doesn't like it because her boyfriend gave it to her. An oversized hoodie is perfect. In fact, just give her one of yours."

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