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February 20th, 2016

Heeyoung yawned as she moved around the kitchen packaging cookies and cupcakes. She was still feeling drained from the crazy day before. Heeyoung, Yoongi, and Namjoon had graduated! She couldn't help feeling more grown-up and she was excited to see what the future held for her and her friends.

"Hey Boss, someone's here to see you." Jimin's head had popped out from behind the door to the front room. A small smirk rested on his lips. Heeyoung put down her scissors and ribbon. She rubbed her tired eyes as she walked over to Jimin. "Um, you feeling ok, Boss?" Jimin asked, concern in his voice.

"I'm fine, Jimin. Just tired." Heeyoung waved him off and pushed through the door to the front of the bakery. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the new surroundings. The bakery was full of activity, it being the middle of the day. Customers sat at the tables around the edges enjoying their orders. More stood in line while Jimin tended to them.

One customer stood out from the rest. His fading mint green hair standing out among various shades of brown and black. Seeing Yoongi put a huge smile on Heeyoung's face, all signs of drowsiness evaporating like morning dew.

He was sitting at one of the tables nibbling on some cheesecake. His head was down and she knew he hadn't seen her yet. He lifted his hand and ran it through his hair. He was clearly stressing over something. She felt a light push behind her. She turned to see Jimin smiling while nudging her toward Yoongi.

She walked over and cleared her throat. He immediately looked up and smiled nervously. "Heeyoung... Hi." He started slowly. Confused by his behavior, she sat down in the seat across from him.

"What's up? You seem upset." Heeyoung remarked.

"I... I'm not upset just..." Yoongi took a deep breath. "I wanted to ask you something."

"Go on," Heeyoung promoted casually. Yoongi's eyes darted to look at a grinning Jimin. Jimin beckoned his hand encouragingly before turning back to his customer. Yoongi looked back at Heeyoung.

"Seokjin Hyung's family is having a party on the 21st. I was wondering if you would want to go... with me." Yoongi exhaled nervously as he finished.

"Really? That sounds fun I'd love to go!" Heeyoung said casually. She picked up his fork and started eating his cheesecake. Yoongi blinked a few times before nodding.

"Okay, I'll let him know." Yoongi stood up and left the bakery ignoring Jimin's eyes burning into his back.

"So what did Yoongi want?" Jimin asked Heeyoung when she came back from the table still eating the cheesecake.

"Mmm, this is so good who knew I made such amazing cheesecake!" Heeyoung mumbled. Jimin stared at her weirdly.

"You, probably..." He said.

"Yeah, but did it always taste this good? Maybe it's because this is all I've eaten today..." Heeyoung spoke before finishing off the last of the cheesecake.

Before Jimin could ask about Yoongi again another customer came up to the counter and Heeyoung disappeared into the kitchen.


"So you never told me what Yoongi came here for. He left rather quickly." Jimin said in hopes of getting answers.

"Oh, he was just telling me about some party Seokjin's family is having," Heeyoung told him nonchalantly while flipping over the open sign. Jimin stared at her for a few seconds as if waiting for something.

"And you said..?" Jimin urged her on.

"I said it sounded like fun. I assume you'll be going too, right?" Heeyoung answered before untying her apron.

"What were his words exactly?" Jimin pressed further. Heeyoung turned to him with a questioning look.

"Why do you care?" She lifted her brow skeptically.

"Just tell me." Jimin rolled his eyes.

"He just said that Seokjin's family was throwing a party on the 21st and asked if I wanted to go." She shrugged.

"With him. If you wanted to go with him." Jimin corrected. Heeyoung shrugged again.

"Well yeah, he's going to drive me there." She nodded casually.

"As in a date Heeyoung!" Jimin ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "Have you never been asked out before?!"

"Well... No, I haven't..." Heeyoung looked Jimin up and down with her brows furrowed in bewilderment. "Why?"

"Ugh, Heeyoung, Yoongi just asked you on a date!" Jimin shouted in defeat. Heeyoung's eyes became as large as pies.

"Wha... What do you mean...?" Heeyoung stammered, taken aback by what Jimin said.

"Geez, you really haven't been asked out before..." Jimin sighed.

"Yoongi was inviting me to the dance as on a date... Is that what you're telling me?" Heeyoung said slowly. How did she miss that part of the conversation?

"Yes! We've been planning this all month!" Jimin cried. "How could you break his heart like that?"

"What?! I said I'd go!" Heeyoung exclaimed.

"Yeah but you clearly didn't know what you were agreeing to! No wonder he left so early!" Jimin sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry! I'm not used to this, it was unexpected." Heeyoung looked away. Did Yoongi really like her that way? She didn't know...

"Well prepare yourself because you're not going to ditch him," Jimin told her on his way out the door.


A/N: Was him finally asking her out everything you hoped it to be?

Please kindly let me know if I made any mistakes so I can strive to be better, thank you.

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