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February 20th, 2016

Heeyoung pulled her hair up into a ponytail and pushed her earbuds into her ears. She turned on some music and slipped her phone into the pocket of her sweatpants. She made her way over to the vacuum and plugged it into the wall.

Heeyoung turned up her music as thoughts of Yoongi fluttered into the front of her mind. She shook them away and turned on the vacuum. She had gotten little sleep last night. She had laid there turning over every interaction with Yoongi she could think of.

Why? Why would Yoongi want to ask out a dork like her? How long had he felt this way? Was somebody putting him up to this? How much money did they offer him?

Questions like these had been plaguing Heeyoung's mind ever since her discussion with Jimin. She couldn't take it. She missed when she could think about Yoongi without feeling like her heart was going to explode.

Especially since the question that floated in her mind the most, the one she had pondered so much in the last twelve hours it made her head spin, was... Do I love Yoongi?

Heeyoung grabbed the vacuum pipe and crouched beside the table centered in front of the couch. Leaning down, she sucked up any dust.

"You look beautiful tonight,"


"Ouch!" Heeyoung hissed. She rubbed the top of her head. She glared at the table.

Why couldn't she get his voice out of her head? She thought back to that night. She had told him that she stayed up studying, but she had lied. She had laid there all night trying to sleep. Her heart beating fast and her body feeling warm all over despite the cold chill in the air.

 She blushed again like she did that night. How does he manage to make her feel this way?

"He wasn't protecting the dog, Noona."

Was Jimin saying that Yoongi was talking about her? Heeyoung sighed. Her mission was to distract herself by cleaning, but obviously, it failed.

Heeyoung had never even had a crush before. She was too focused on other things. She never had any friends to talk about boys with. Heeyoung suddenly felt a little sad. Had she been missing out?

Maybe she did have a crush on Yoongi but just didn't know it... There was something her Grandfather would sometimes talk about.

"All it takes is one spark, then you'll know they are the one. Remember that, Little Bloom. As soon as you feel it, that first spark, never let it go." Heeyoung's grandfather gently placed a finger over her heart. "You'll feel it in here."

"Does it hurt?" Little five-year-old Heeyoung asked with fear in her huge eyes. He chuckled.

"It will feel like there is no gravity. You will feel all fuzzy like if you were hugging a giant teddy bear or biting into a nice warm brownie straight from the oven." He explained, closing his eyes as if reminiscing.

"But Grandma says you have to let the brownies cool first," Heeyoung told him.

"Yes, well, Grandma isn't wrong, but love is about sacrifice, and if you have to get burned a little bit so be it." He smiled down at his granddaughter.

"Do you really love brownies that much?" Heeyoung asked.

"Absolutely, but nothing, not even brownies, could top my love for your Grandmother. My love for her grows stronger than the biggest of trees, deeper than the deepest of seas, and will outlast the end of the world and throughout all eternity. Someday you'll understand what that means for you." He explained with a faraway look in his eyes as if he was watching as the world fell away around them.

She had always wondered what her Grandfather had meant. Did she feel that way for Yoongi? Had she ever felt a spark when with him? She wasn't sure... but she doubted she would forget if she did.

She thought of other ways people described having a crush. They would talk about how attractive their crush was. Did she find Yoongi attractive?

What did she find attractive in a guy? She thought of Jimin and all of the features that made him stand out in a crowd. Jimin had a graceful yet powerful beauty. She thought of WWH himself. He had an elegant and charming handsomeness. Namjoon had more sharp features that gave him an air of authority yet he had a mix of softer features that made him feel inviting. Dimples. Hoseok had a mix of soft and sharp as well. He had a beautiful smile and a contagious laugh. Taehyung had a pretty intimidating look and could come off as threatening if you don't know him well. Though Heeyoung found all his unique features, like his different eyelids, charming. Jungkook had big beautiful doe eyes and a charming smile. He had an adorable laugh.

And then there was Yoongi. Heeyoung sat and thought of all the things that made him attractive. She thought about his smooth features, his dark eyes which held so much emotion. The gummy smile that made an appearance whenever he was shy or excited. The cute way he scrunched his nose. The way he acted like he doesn't care... When the truth is, he has such a big heart. He doesn't know what to do with all that unconditional love he carries around.

She remembered the way he had look at her that day under the flower trees.

Yoongi finally looked at her. He had the same calm expression he always had, but it was a little different. His eyes shown with something she hadn't noticed before. Finally, she blinked and looked away.

To this day she still couldn't put her finger on what it was she saw in his eyes that day. Was it love? 


A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Please kindly let me know if I made any mistakes so I can strive to be better, thank you.

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