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February 20th, 2016

"Heeyoung, could you stop by the convenience store and buy a few things?" Mrs. Lee poked her head inside Heeyoung's bedroom.

"Of course." Heeyoung agreed and got up off her bed.

She slipped on her shoes and coat, slipping the list of items into her coat pocket. She kissed her grandmother goodbye and made her way outside.


"Hey, Heeyoung,"

Heeyoung didn't turn around, not realizing that the voice wasn't in her head.

"Heeyoung." This time Yoongi had tapped her on the shoulder. Heeyoung jolted, quickly turning around. Yoongi stared at her with concern.

"Oh... Hi, Yoongi." Heeyoung greeted him, avoiding eye contact.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked, trying to reach out and touch her. Heeyoung backed away.

"No, I'm fine! Perfect even, so I'm just going to, um, go home now!" Heeyoung laughed nervously and hurried out of the small convenience store.

"But you didn't even buy anything!" Yoongi called after her.

Heeyoung stood outside the store, leaning against the bricks. Her heart was thundering heavily in her chest.

What is wrong with you?! She shouted at herself. You can't just avoid him forever.

Heeyoung didn't want to face him. It was too awkward.

Heeyoung walked around for about ten minutes. She didn't want to return to the store and face him, but she couldn't just return home empty-handed either.

Soon she spotted him walk by with a bag in each hand and a troubled expression on his face. She wanted to go to him, to comfort him, but she couldn't bring her feet to move.

Heeyoung sighed and made her way back to the convenience store.


"I think I messed up. I don't know how, but I must have done something wrong." Yoongi sighed. The other six guys sat in front of him. They had asked for a report on how it went with Heeyoung.

"So, she said no?" Hoseok frowned.

"She didn't friendzone you, right?" Taehyung asked, alarmed.

"No... I don't think so. I mean, she said she'd go..." Yoongi answered dejectedly.

"Then why do you think you did something wrong?" Jungkook pressed.

"Well... when I ran into her earlier today, she seemed..." Yoongi started. "Maybe I'm reading into it too much..."

"What? She seemed what?" Seokjin promoted.

"She seemed like she didn't want to see me..." Yoongi frowned and looked down at his hands.

Jimin sat silently in his chair, nibbling on his finger anxiously. Guilt slithered around in his mind. He knew he shouldn't have blown up on Heeyoung the way he did. He should have just kept his mouth shut. Now Heeyoung hated the sight of Yoongi since she knew how he felt. It's just that she was behaving so senseless he couldn't stand it.

"I have a confession to make..." Jimin admitted after the guilt got too much. Six sets of eyes turned to him. Jimin gulped. "I told Heeyoung."

"Told her what...?" Seokjin said slowly.

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