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February 24th, 2016

Yoongi was laying in his room listening to music to block out the sound of his parents. His dad had been trying to get his mom to take her pills for the past ten minutes. Usually, when this happened he'd sneak them into her food, but she wasn't eating again. She kept saying there was no time for that because she had to go pick up her sons from school.

Yoongi's phone vibrated, startling him. He was getting a call from Namjoon. He answered the call and held his phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"Hey, Hyung!" Namjoon's voice sounded on the other side. "I called to ask if you were interested in moving in with me and Seokjin."

"Uhm..." Yoongi wasn't expecting this. He started to smile to himself thinking about how close he and his friends were becoming. 

"You don't have to give me an answer right away. I'll be moving in with him on Saturday. You have 'til then." Namjoon told him. "I have to go now. Think about it, 'kay?"

"I will," Yoongi responded. Namjoon hung up and Yoongi let his arm fall back to his side on his bed.

He felt relieved at the idea of getting out of his family home and all its torturous memories. But... could he really just leave his parents? Sure his dad took his aggressions and frustrations out on him, but Yoongi understood why his father was like that. His wife was withering away and he felt like he was being cornered by all his fears, grief, and pain. He was so busy trying to take care of his wife that he could hardly take care of himself, let alone mourn.

He thought of his mom. Her glassy eyes, unable to see the truth right in front of her. Her cries and screams when she finally broke away from the haze the medicine caused. Her image, a shallow, cheap copy of her former self.

Yoongi was the one who kept the house running. He cleaned it, he paid the bills, he bought groceries. He was the only one with a job.

After a lot of thought, he decided he would go through with moving in with Namjoon and Seokjin. Just because he wasn't living here didn't mean he couldn't visit to clean up, and he would keep working and sending money to his dad.

He felt confident about his decision and decided to go tell his dad. He took a deep breath and opened the door.

His father was still standing next to his mother who was sitting at the dining room table staring down at a plate of fried rice.

"Dad, can I talk to you?" Yoongi avoided looking at his mom. His dad looked quizzically at him before nodding and following him into the living room.

"What is it?" His dad asked.

"I'm going to be moving into a house with some friends. I just wanted to let you know I'll be gone Saturday." Yoongi told his father.

"How dare you try and abandon us!" His father growled.

"I'm not. I'll still send you money and-"

"No! You are not running off with a bunch of scoundrels! You will stay here!"

"You don't even know them!" Yoongi yelled. "I'm almost nineteen Dad! I'm an adult now, you can't control me anymore!" His dad looked taken aback, which didn't surprise him. Yoongi knew his dad had stopped keeping track of the years. He never mentioned his birthday and didn't show up for his graduation. Yoongi had gotten used to it a long time ago. Now he was an adult and his dad didn't even realize it. "I'm not abandoning you. I'll continue doing all my chores, I'll just be sleeping in a different place."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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