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January 1st, 2016

"Good morning, Noona!" Jimin greeted Heeyoung with a bow as she entered the bakery. "Hey, why are you staring at me like that? I did the dishes last night, I swear."

"It's not you, Jimin." Heeyoung sighed and put on her apron. She flipped the closed sign over to the open side and opened the blinds. "I just didn't sleep well last night, so I ended up sleeping in and missed breakfast. I'm just tired and hungry."

"...How do you miss breakfast at your own house?"

"Well, Grandma took Goo to an appointment with the vet today. They were gone when I woke up. I would have made breakfast for myself, but then I remembered that I drank the last of the milk yesterday. So I just waited until I got here." Heeyoung tied her hair up into a ponytail. She was about to go into the backroom, but Jimin stepped in front of her, stopping her.

"Wait!" Jimin held out his hands in front of her.

"What's up?" Heeyoung raised an eyebrow at him.

"Umm...I, uh..." Jimin ran his hand through his hair. "Just that you... you look great today. Did you do something new with your hair?"

"Oh, thanks, Jimin! You're so sweet! But, no." Heeyoung smiled awkwardly at his weird behavior and pushed past him into the kitchen.

"Wait, don't!" Jimin winced. In front of her was a pile of dishes in the sink, unwashed. "I can explain!" Jimin held up his hands defensively.


The bell rang, announcing the arrival of their first customer. They both froze. Heeyoung pointed to the dishes and sent Jimin a glare. He gave her an innocent smile and nodded. She stepped back into the front of the bakery to welcome the customer.

"Oh, hey, Yoongi! What are you doing here? I thought you said that you'd see me Monday? It's Friday, Yoongi." Heeyoung said matter-of-factly.

"Technicalities." Yoongi leaned on the counter. "It's so empty in here. Where is everyone?"

"Well, we did just open. You're the first customer. Oh, and Jimin is in the back doing the dishes he lied about doing already." Heeyoung smiled innocently. Like she wasn't questioning whether she should fire him or not. "So, what may I get you?"

"Hmm, surprise me." Yoongi hummed. Heeyoung smiled cheekily before returning with a paper bag.

"What is this?" Yoongi took a chunk out of the paper bag.

"It's something Jimin made... Honestly, though, I don't think it's edible." Heeyoung giggled. She revealed a cookie. "Here, try this instead!" A big head shaped sugar cookie with mint green colored frosting drawn on it as hair and a grumpy face drawn on it with black frosting sat in her hands. "Bet you can't guess who this is!"

"Oh, I have no idea..." Yoongi said sarcastically.

"Well, I'll tell you! Right here is my favorite cookie in the whole shop. His name is Swag Suga." Heeyoung held the cookie up and made her best impression. "Yeah, Jjang jjang man bbong bbong."

"I do not sound like that!" Yoongi laughed, only making Heeyoung's giggles increase.

"What? You got it all wrong! This isn't you! This is Swag Suga The Sugar Cookie!" Heeyoung said.

"Well then," Yoongi went behind the counter and grabbed a peanut butter cookie and some brown frosting. "this," He drew a face on it and scribbled on some hair. "is you."

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