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December 21st, 2015

"Hey, Yoongles!" Heeyoung met Yoongi as he walked out of the lecture room. "Let's eat lunch together."

"Do I have a choice?"

"Of course you do!" Heeyoung linked their arms and dragged him to the cafeteria.

"So~" Heeyoung started hopefully.

"No." Yoongi interrupted her.

"You haven't even heard what I have to say yet!" She complained, then waited a few seconds before continuing. "So some of my classmates are hosting a New Years party, and the whole school-"


"Please! I'll do anything!" Heeyoung grabbed both his hands, begging for him to go with her. "This is the perfect social event for you to get to know people!" Yoongi stared at their intertwined hands, his heart doing a backflip.

"That's the thing, I don't want to talk to people." Yoongi rolled his eyes, then thought for a moment. "Pass your next test."

"Huh?" Heeyoung's eyebrow raised in confusion.

"You said anything. Pass your next test, and then I'll think about it. You have a test on Wednesday. I know because you have been complaining about it all week." Yoongi stared into her eyes, his gaze serious.

"B-b-but, it's an English test! You can't do this!" Heeyoung dramatically sprawled out on the table. "You know I'm bad at English!"

"Then I guess I'm not going with you. If you want me there, study." Yoongi said while putting meat on his bread.


December 22nd, 2015

Heeyoung laid on her bed. She didn't want to go to this party alone. The only parties she had ever been to were the parties her grandmother's friends had thrown. The only people there were the elders at the retirement home and other grandkids that were all under 13 or over 23 and rarely showed up unless it was a birthday. She didn't know what to expect at a high school party.

And then there was Yoongi. He was her only friend (besides her dog, Goo), and she was his only best friend, but she knew that it couldn't stay like that forever. She needed to find him some friends.

Passing this stupid test was her only option. She got up and grabbed her books. She was determined.


Yoongi wiped his sweat on his towel. He had been playing basketball by himself for about forty minutes.

Suddenly a car pulled up in the park parking lot. The doors opened, and six guys came out of it, laughing about something so hilarious that one of them was almost on the ground. He narrowed his eyes at them. Figuring they were drunk, he decided to ignore them and continue his game.


It had only been fifteen minutes, and Heeyoung already felt like she was going to pass out. At one point, she had started doodling on her notes sheet.

She decided to take a break and have a snack. "Hey Grandma, can we make some cookies?"


"Hey, look, Hyung! Someone is already here." One of the boys pointed at Yoongi, who had just scored a shot. They all turned their attention to Yoongi.

Yoongi stopped when he noticed them staring. He gave them an annoyed look and shot the ball one more time before walking over to get a drink from his water bottle. "You're in my way." He glared down at the boy standing in front of the bench where his stuff was.

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