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February 20th, 2016

She could make out a figure standing in the distance as he threw away some trash. "Why does fate keep bringing us together?" She whispered.

Goo's barking had gotten Yoongi's attention, and he looked up from what he was doing. He now stood only a few feet in front of her. As their eyes met, snow began to fall from the sky. Heeyoung couldn't bring herself to look away.

"You aren't going to run away again?" Yoongi's voice sounded in the distance between them, breaking the silence like glass. Heeyoung shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Yoongi. I've been horrible." Heeyoung fought to hold back her tears.

"No, I understand." Yoongi looked away, breaking eye contact.

"Do you? I don't even completely understand what's been going on with me today." Heeyoung laughed humorlessly, a tear escaping her eye. Yoongi bent down to pet Goo, and Heeyoung watched them, trying to gather her courage. "I miss you, Yoongi."

These words got Yoongi to look at her again. His lips parted slightly. He stood up and reached out to wipe away her tears. "Please, don't cry." He muttered softly.

It had the opposite effect, as more tears began falling from her eyes. She sniffled and stepped forward, quickly closing the distance between them and wrapping Yoongi in a tight hug.


February 21st, 2016

Yoongi stared at the suit that hung in front of him. He had told the others that he didn't feel up to going to the party, but they refused to let him stay home and sulk. They had finally convinced him to go to the party anyway to cheer him up.

Yoongi grabbed the suit from its hanger and began getting dressed.

Despite what happened the night before, Yoongi couldn't bring himself to expect to see Heeyoung at the party. He was thankful to be friends again and didn't dare wish for anything more.

Yoongi's throat was dry, and his stomach was empty. He figured he should eat something before he left.

He found his mother in the kitchen by herself, surprising him. He hesitantly met her glassy gaze. At first, she didn't seem to recognize him, but then a smile spread across her face. She stood up and made her way toward him with quick steps.

"Wow, look at you!" She beamed. "All dressed up for your big day. I just know you'll be great." Yoongi tried to respond but the words stuck in his throat. "Oh, let me help you with that bowtie." She reached out her hands and started working at the tie. Yoongi hadn't even realized he forgot to tie it. "I'm so very proud of you, my little pianist!

"Your dad is going to drop you off early for rehearsal, and then we'll all join you in a couple of hours to see you perform." She placed her hands on both sides of his face. "You'll do great."

Yoongi let out a shaky breath as the illusion shattered. His mother was still stuck in the past.

"Soomin, dear, what are you doing out here?" Yoongi's father appeared from down the hall. At the sound of her husband's questioning voice, his mother removed her hands from his face and let them fall to her sides.

Yoongi blinked, and his mother had returned to her frail, weak form. Her eyes clouded back over with the lost look she frequently had. She stared past him as if he wasn't even there.

A tear slipped down his cheek, and he quickly wiped it away before his dad could see him show weakness.

"Yoongi, why are you all dressed up? Aren't you supposed to be working tonight?" His father turned his critical eye toward his son.

"I got today off," Yoongi answered. His father tensed, and Yoongi knew he was about to be yelled at.

"Soomin, go wait for me in the bedroom." As if hypnotized, his mother turned and slowly walked down the hall without a word. "You know we need the money. Why aren't you working extra hours anymore?"

"It's just for tonight. I have somewhere I need to be tonight." Even as the words fell from his lips, Yoongi knew that that wouldn't be enough.

"You have a responsibility to uphold. You have no time to fool around." His father growled.

"I know, Dad. I will take more shifts from now on..." Surprisingly, this seemed enough for his father. He nodded and turned away.

Yoongi didn't wait for him to change his mind and quickly hurried out the door.


Heeyoung stared at her reflection with a deepening frown. She wondered if Namjoon could get a refund on the dress.

Mrs. Lee shuffled into the room and gasped in awe. "You are stunning." She complimented.

"No, Grandma, the dress is stunning. I can't wear this." Heeyoung told her gloomily. Her grandmother waved her hand as if to dismiss Heeyoung's words.

"Nonsense. You are as beautiful as a midnight bloom. Never let anyone tell you otherwise, not even yourself." Mrs. Lee pulled Heeyoung's hair back and began brushed through it.

Her words brought memories of her grandfather.

"What's the matter, Little Bloom?" Heeyoung's grandfather kneeled beside her and took a small handheld mirror from her hands.

"The girls at school said that if I was going to live, I should at least be pretty." Heeyoung cried. Her Grandfather's face softened, and he wrapped his big arms around her.

"You are as beautiful as a midnight bloom. Never let anybody tell you otherwise, especially not yourself." He told her, placing the mirror facedown.

Heeyoung smiled sadly. "He should be here today to witness this." Mrs. Lee grabbed her hand gently.

"There was nothing he wanted more than to see you have your first dance with the love of your life." Mrs. Lee told her with a nostalgic sigh. Heeyoung turned to face her grandmother.

"My what?" She spoke carefully. Mrs. Lee's eyes twinkled with amusement. "You knew Yoongi liked me?"

"Of course I knew..." Mrs. Lee chortled. "Listen closely, Heeyoung. Your heart will let you know if it is meant to be."


A/N: Next chapter is the partyyy

Please kindly let me know if I made any mistakes so I can strive to be better, thank you.

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