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 February 13th, 2016

 Heeyoung placed down a bouquet of pink carnations next to the gravestone in front of her. Her grandma's hand rested on her shoulder.

Guilt squeezed Heeyoung's chest every time she read the name on the stone. She tried to ignore the feeling though. She had made promises to her mother. She promised that she would never hate herself for existing like the bullies at school used to tell her she should. She promised to always try to be happy and be the light in the darkness because to do anything less would be disrespectful to her mother, who fought so hard when Heeyoung was born so that even though her life was lost, Heeyoung's wasn't. She had promised to not blame herself for her mother's death.

Heeyoung had come close to failing at keeping these promises many times, but she kept trying. Her Grandma and her friends were a big part of why she was able to keep these promises. She was constantly being reminded about how much she was cared about by these people. So she started to seek out what they saw that was so special about herself. In doing so she learned to love herself more. She existed for them and she was ok with that.

From the first day she saw Yoongi, she could tell he was hurting deeply. She tried hard every day to be his light in the darkness. She couldn't handle seeing the look of hopelessness on his face.

Heeyoung sniffled, realized she was crying. She was never a fan of her birthday. She could never bring herself to celebrate her birth when the same day she lost her mother. She did blame herself for her mother's death. She tried not to, but she really believed that she killed her mother. 

 February 17th, 2016

"Tomorrow's the day! Only 48 hours until we're free." Hoseok set down his tray and started up a conversation. The rest of the boys and Heeyoung followed until they all were sitting together.

"It's more around 29 hours, actually," Namjoon responded after he finished swallowing a bite of rice. "Just an estimation," Namjoon continued while pushing up his black-framed glasses. "It's already 12:00 meaning that it's the middle of the day so you would split 24 in half to get 12. 12 plus 24 is 36. We won't be at school the whole day tomorrow so 36 minus 7 is 29. Only 29 hours until we are free." Namjoon explained his reasoning but Heeyoung was the only one really listening.

"Fine. Only 29 hours until we're free." Hoseok corrected himself with a roll of his chocolate eyes.

"Wow! You're really smart, Namjoon!" Heeyoung complimented.

"Thank you, Noona." He replied with a dip of his head. "I had some free time while the class was being allowed to catch up on work today so I calculated it up in my head because I was bored."

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I won't be able to make it to work today." Jimin told Heeyoung while elbowing Taehyung that was beside him.

"What?! You have to come today though! You know we are having a sale so business will be crazier than usual." Heeyoung pouted at him. "You aren't going to leave me and Grandma to do it alone, are you?"

"Nope, Yoongi can help you." Jimin gestured to the sleeping green-haired boy. This caused Taehyung to start laughing, confusing Heeyoung.

"Did he tell you he would help?" Heeyoung raised a brow at him. "He's not just going to spend his day cooped up in a bakery, even if I paid him."

"Aw, look at that, she's in denial!" Jungkook joined in from beside her.

"I'm not in denial, it's happened before. He always says no." Heeyoung squinted over at Taehyung when he continued to laugh harder. "What is so funny?"

"Just ask him," Namjoon said calmly. "He would be happy to help you."

"I'd have better luck trying to get help from my bratty dog." Heeyoung sighed. "But, whatever if you guys want me to ask him so badly, fine, I will, just don't be surprised when he says no."


After school Heeyoung went to find Yoongi to ask him about helping her with the sale. It didn't take her long since she knew all the places he liked to hang out. She found him outside by the, currently bare, flower trees. She ran up behind him and hopped on his back. "Hey, Yoongles!" She cheerfully greeted him. He easily caught her and stumbled forward a few steps before dropping her, sitting next to her afterward.

"Hey, Heeyoung." He greeted back with less enthusiasm, which was normal for him.

"I have a request and you're not going to like it." She bit her lip and prepared for her point to be proven.

"That's been happening a lot recently." He murmured, distracted by a bird chirping in the branches above them. Heeyoung frowned.

"Are you okay? I'll go if you want..." Heeyoung shifted to sit up.

"No, stay," Yoongi murmured and placed his hand on her arm. "What did you want?"

"Um, ok, well Jimin won't be able to work today, for whatever reason he didn't tell me, but we are having a big sale today so it'll be super busy. Since Jimin is the only employee we have It'll just be Granny and I struggling to handle everything by ourselves. So I was wondering if you could fill in for him. It's just for today."

"Yeah sure, why not?" Yoongi shrugged and continued to bird watch.

"Wait, really?" Heeyoung was surprised that he didn't even try to get out of it. "Are you sure you're okay? You seem... distracted."

"I have nothing better to do at the moment. But only for today." Yoongi finally looked at her. He had the same calm expression he always had, but it was a little different. His eyes shown with something she hadn't noticed before. Finally, she blinked and looked away.

"Um, ok, so your shift starts at 4:00 and ends at 8:30. I'll see you later, then." She stood up and walked away. 


 A/N: Heeyoung might seem happy but she's burdened by terrible guilt.

 Please kindly let me know if I made any mistakes so I can strive to be better, thank you. 

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