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December 18, 2015 

I'm walking at a slow pace down the street when I hear footsteps running up behind me. Sighing, I quicken my pace and slide my hand into my pocket to turn my music up until I can't hear the footsteps anymore. Then the pouting face of Heeyoung appears in front of me. I stop and pull out one of my earbuds, acting like I had no idea that someone was yelling my name behind me. I stare at her expectantly.

Her pout is quickly replaced with a huge grin. She grabs my hand and places an ice cream cone in it. She bumps her cone to mine. "Happy two years!"

I give her a displeased face and hold up the cone. "Why are you giving me ice cream in the middle of winter?" I question. The ground has a thin layer of snow, and the sun isn't visible through the clouds. Heeyoung has a thick pink scarf on and a bright yellow coat that seems to glow against the white background.

"There is never a wrong time to eat ice cream!" She licks her chocolate ice cream to further prove her point. "And look, I gave you mint chocolate chip to match your new hair, Mint Yoongi." I roll my tired eyes when she ruffles my hair with her gloved hand.

"Thanks for that," I say sarcastically. "And It's Min Yoongi, not Mint Yoongi." I use my empty hand to fix my hair.

"Just eat the ice cream, or you owe me a dollar." She playfully bumps my shoulder. I begin eating it while thinking back to the first time she had ever talked to me.

December 18, 2013

I walked into class with my head low and my headphones on. I had gotten to school early that day, so I was tired. At first, I didn't notice the other person in the room.

But when I did see her, I wasn't surprised. It was the weird girl that everyone seemed to think was worth protecting. There she sat with a pencil on the tip of her nose. The pencil flew off her face as she sat up in surprise.

I had sat down in my chair, hoping to be left alone, but fate had other plans.

"Hello, good morning!" Heeyoung had poked my shoulder and smiled cheerfully. "I'm sorry to bother you, but what are you doing here?"

What a stupid question, I had thought. "I'm here for school, not to put up with you."

"Yeah, but why are you here early?" She continued to bug me.

"Why do you care? Go back to playing with your pencil."

"YOU SAW THAT?!" She squealed, her face flushed red.

"Yes. Now go." I waved my hand dismissively.

"You don't have to be so rude. I was only trying to be friendly."

"No need." I was about to put my headphones back on. "What's this?" She had slid a small piece of paper onto my desk.

"It's my phone number. Let's be friends!" She clasped her hands together happily.

"Why?" I tried my best to hide my shock. She was so persistent.

"Because we are both by ourselves, and when two lonely people come together, they are less lonely. And you're mean, I can teach you how to be nice!" She said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"I'm older than you speak with respect!" I blurted out, perplexed at how she was able to see right through me when no one else could.

"How do you know?? When's your birthday?"

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