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 February 12th, 2016 

 "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday beloved Heeyoung! Happy birthday to you!" Jungkook came in holding a small round cake while the others followed close behind. They were all singing.

"Oh my gosh guys, you got me a cake!" Heeyoung smiled as Jungkook set it in front of her.

"Go ahead, make a wish!" Jin encouraged her. She thought for a few seconds then blew out the candles. She admired the neat handwriting that spelled out 'Happy birthday Heeyoung!' in yellow and pink frosting. Her two favorite colors. The group clapped cheerfully around her and Hoseok flicked the lights back on. Jimin handed the knife to Yoongi and he cut the cake into 8 slices.

"Yoongi said that strawberry was your favorite cake but he didn't tell me what ice cream so I just got vanilla. I hope that's ok." Seokjin set the bucket of ice cream on the table.

"Oh, vanilla is fine!" Heeyoung reassured him. Yoongi started to pass out bowls filled with ice cream and cake.

"How about we give out presents while we eat?" Namjoon suggested.

"Wait, you guys got me presents too? Please tell me you didn't spend over $50 on me!" Heeyoung shook her head in surprise.

"$50? Who do you think we are? Who do you think you are?! You deserve more than some cheap convenience store gifts!" Jin exclaimed.

"Yeah, my gift alone is more than that!" Jungkook agreed, along with the rest of them.

"Open mine first!" Taehyung placed a bag in front of her. Heeyoung hesitantly grabbed the bag. She felt bad for making them feel like they had to buy her something. Then she noticed the symbol on the bag.

"Is this Gucci?!" Heeyoung gasped in surprise as she pulled out an expensive-looking black leather handbag. "This is too much..."

"You can use it on the 21st!" Taehyung showed his iconic boxy grin. It didn't stay long though because as soon as the words left his mouth Jin whacked him on the back of the head.

"What's on the 21st?" Heeyoung asked, confused.

"Nothing. Here, open mine now." Jin calmly replied and handed her another bag.

"Oh, ok... Thanks for the bag, Taehyung..." Heeyoung took Jin's bag but she wasn't expecting it to be so heavy. Thankfully, Yoongi helped her by holding it up before she could drop it. "Thanks, Yoongles, I wasn't expecting it to weigh so much!"

"No problem..." Yoongi nodded in acknowledgment. Heeyoung pulled out the tissue paper and revealed something wrapped in bubble wrap. She reached in and pulled it out, removing the bubble wrap.

"Wow, it's gorgeous!" It was a white ceramic owl. When she turned it around in her hands to look at the backside she heard a jingle of coins when it moved. On the back of its head was a small slit. "Is this an owl-shaped piggy bank?!"

"Why is it an owl?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, I overheard you talking about wanting to go to college so I decided to start you off with 350 dollars and 49 cents." Seokjin gave her a charming smile, ignoring Jungkook's question.

"Really?!" Heeyoung's mouth hung open in surprise. "You didn't have to do that..."

"Nonsense. I'd do the same for any of my friends. My job pays well and my father gives me more than enough money for just me." Seokjin reasoned.

"Well OK, if you're sure..." Hoseok put his present down next. "Taking you shopping today was my present but I felt awkward not presenting anything so here's this extra gift I got at the store when you weren't looking!"

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