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"Mark stop it." Haechan sighed sitting up in bed to see the older standing infront of his window, looking out at the stars that surrounded them.

The stars are getting dimmer the closer the eclipse comes, Mark was beyond worry they would run out of time to save the stars before it was too late.

"Everything is gonna be okay." Haechan said joining Mark at the window, as he wrapped his arms around the olders waist in a back hug.

"How can you know? We've never seen anything like this." Mark asked sadly, leaning his back so it collided with Haechan's chest.

"Because I have hope Mark. And I know we are gonna fix this, and I need you to have hope too." Haechan says seriously as Mark turned to face him.

"It's gonna be okay." He smiled as Mark smiled back. "There it is, there's that sparkling smile." Haechan said as Mark's face went red.

"Let's go to bed, we got traveling to do tomorrow." Haechan said dragging the older away from the window, shutting the curtains after.

The 2 princes layed down on Haechan's insanely large bed that the sun prince has had for years. But just like when they were younger, Haechan still had no concept of personal space.

"Really Donghyuck?" Mark sighed not even bothering to open his eyes as he felt Haechan wrap his legs around him, the younger placing his head on Mark's chest.

"Oh don't be so grey, it's just like the sleepovers we used to have when we were younger." Haechan mumbled as they drift off to sleep.

The sleep didn't last 10 minutes before Haechan heard a knock on his bedroom door. "Ugh, come in." Haechan called out, not wanting to get up from his bed.

"Hi Haechan- oh I'm sorry did I interrupt something?" Jaemin asked gesturing to the 2 males cuddling.

"Nah don't worry he's out." Haechan said lightly slapping Mark's forehead, the older didn't even flinch, signaling that he was deep alseep.

"Okay so what's up?" Haechan asked sitting up. "Well I have to go pee and you never showed us where the bathrooms are." Jaemin said.

"Oh shoot, your right. Follow me." Haechan said getting out of bed to direct Jaemin to the bathrooms.

"Say, can I ask you something?" Jaemin asked the prince who nodded. "Do you like Mark?" Jaemin asked.

"Ofcourse I like Mark, he's my bestfriend. However I do dislike him some times, he can be a sour candy sometimes." Haechan said, clearly not getting the actual idea.

"Not like that, Like in the way I feel about Jeno." Jaemin said as the made Haechan freeze. The way Jaemin liked Jeno?

Jaemin and Jeno were a couple tho, which ment Jaemin was asking if Haechan liked Mark romantically.

"I don't know." Haechan whispered, that question really got him thinking about all the things he and Mark do together.

"Anyways- here is the bathroom, goodnight." Haechan said turning around and quickly walking back to his room.

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