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After the other 6 humans, (7 if they include Lucas now) returned back from their houses, they gave both princes snow pants and puffy jackets.

"Okay lets go get Jeonghan." Haechan said opening a portal as Mark helped him adjust the fluffy earmuffs covering his ears.

Neptune may be the coldest planet in the solar system, but Uranus is definitely second. "Damn how does no one freeze to death here?" Jeno asked rubbing his hands together.

"Beats me." Mark said knocking on the door as they waited for the King to open the door, and after 20 seconds Haechan grew tired of waiting.

"I'm gonna freeze before Jeonghan gets his ass out here. Out of my way." Haechan said bursting through the front door as he nearly slipped on the ice like floors inside.

"Impatient are we?" The king asked walking down the large staircase. "I WAS on my way." He snickered. "Yeah but we are kinda in a hurry." Mark added.

"Awe I know, you guys are doing quite the task." Jeonghan smiled hugging the 2 princes tightly. "Its good to see you boys again." He said pulling away.

"And you guys must be the humans that are helping them, Joshua told me about you guys!" Jeonghan said excitedly, he's never met a human before.

"Your majesty." They all bowed as Jeonghan laughed.

"Awe you guys are so cute. You don't have to bow, and please, just call me Jeonghan." The blonde said before holding his hand out.

The humans all shook the kings hand and introduced themselves.

Finally it was time to go, "So where are we going exactly?" Renjun asked as Jeonghan thought about it for a moment.

"You guys want the tallest mountain, I would have to say Piare mountain in Kanagawa, Japan." Jeonghan said as Jisung's eyes widened in shock.

(Also this mountain does not exist fyi)

"That mountain is like 40,000 feet!" He said as Jeonghan nodded. "Humans can't survive the far up tho?" He asked.

"Well good thing 4 of us aren't humans and live in space and different planet's." Lucas said.

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