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When arriving at Japan, they made Renjun book them a hotel near the mountain since they needed to get onto the mountain closet to the nighttime.

"Can't believe you made me do this." Renjun said as the all sat down on a bed in one of the 2 hotel rooms they rented. 6 rooms in total.

"Whatever it's done now. What time is our scheduled tour?" Jeno asked looking at the time on his watch, still running on Korean time.

"Around 8:30pm Japanese time." Jeonghan said looking out the window to see the sun was beginning to set.

"We should go explore! You only live in Japan once!" Lucas cheered as the others agreed.

"You guys go, me and Mark are going to stay here." Haechan said as the others looked at the 2 princes in shock.

"Really?" Jisung asked and Mark nodded. Just then Jaemin got an idea as he tried to hide his mischievous smile.

"Well if you guys are going to stay, I recommend going into the hottub to watch the sunset. It's actually on the roof, and it's by reservation so you can get it all to yourselves too!" Jaemin said.

Jeno sighed, knowing actually what his boyfriend was trying to do. And the princes actually agreed, so they made Renjun book them a time in the hottub right at sunset.


"Hey." Mark said sitting next to Haechan in the hottub. "My god this is hot." Mark said as Haechan splashed him just for the spite of it.

"You jerk!" Mark gasped as he wiped his now wet hair out of his face as he splashed Haechan back too.

"Hey!" Haechan gasped dramatically as he splashed Mark back too, and out broke a splash battle between the 2 princes. Just like when they were younger.

It wasn't until the sun shined directly over the 2 of them, causing Haechan's skin to glow. Mark turned his gaze from the setting sun back to the prince.

"You think this will work?" Mark asked quietly as Haechan gave him a small smile. "This has got to work right." Mark rambled on and on.

Haechan could only listen to what the older was saying, he scooted closer as leaned his head on Mark's bare shoulder as he held his hand.

"I sound ridiculous don't I?" Mark asked leaning his head agaisnt Haechan's.

"Only to everyone else. I understand what your feeling Mark, believe me when I say we will figure this out." Haechan said, his skin slowly stopped glowing as the sun went down.

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