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"YOUR SUCH AN IDIOT!" Mark screamed as he grabbed Haechan's hand and ran the other direction. "ATLEAST I'M YOUR IDIOT!" Haechan fired back as they hid behined a wall.

Mark had managed to shut the sunroof that was letting the gas out into the air. However the pipe did end up exploding.

The impact sent both princes falling face forward as they tried to avoid flying peiced of wall that was blown off.

"Do you think that worked?" Mark asked. "You tell me stupid idiot. Atleast I smell no more gas." Haechan sighed.

So the 2, who's whole body was totally sore, walked out the door where the others, plus a very ticked off The8 stood.

"Did it not occur to you that the SUN places a pretty large roll in a eclipse!" He yelled throwing his hands up in the air.

Haechan nodded as his gaze trailed off to where Jeno, Jaemin, Renjun, Chenle and Lucas were all hidding in a tree, Winwin was the only one who stood on the ground.

"He's scary!" Chenle yelled to the prince who nodded, the king, turned and glared at Chenle who attempted to hide his face behind a large leaf.

"Anyways come on. You guys can watch the eclipse from Kun's." The8 sighed as the others nodded and climbed down from the tree.

Haechan opened the portals, one to Kun's and one to Jeno's, where he and Jaemin would be watching the eclipse together.

And the other portal to the Moon Kingdom.

"It'll be okay don't worry." Haechan whispered as he took Mark's hand in his and held it tightly.

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