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When the others arrived back at the hotel rooms, it was time for their tour. "Okay you guy's ready?" Jaemin said as Jeno checked his watch.

"Yeah but I'm going to have to be home when we're done. My parents will probably be home by the time we get back from the lift." Jeno said.

"Okay, we better hurry then." Renjun said as they all slipped on their coats once more and walked to the mountain lounge. Since renting a car would be too expensive.

The 5 humans and their tour guide, who went by the name Shotaro. Took them up the lift, like the one you see at a ski resort.

Since they were the last tour of the night, the security room for the mountain was empty and no other workers or guards were present that night.

Once the humans were far enough away that they wouldn't spot the princes. Haechan opened a portal to the one spot on the mountain that would be easiest to access.

"Woah the air is definitely thinner up here." Lucas breathed out as Haechan nodded, his nose already going red from the immediate cold.

"Okay lets go before sunshine over here turns into an ice pop." Jeonghan said as they continued trudging through the snow.

The plan was for Mark, Jeonghan and Haechan to reach the stars through the earth's atmosphere. While Lucas kept watch to make sure nothings goes wrong.

"Are you sure we can reach the stars like this?" Mark asked as they stood near the very top of the mountain, the air getting thinner and thinner.

"Its our only hope." Haechan said taking Mark's hand in his. Taking Jeonghan's hand in his other hand. "Now let's get floating."

Marks feet lifted in the air, the other 2's floating after him. They rose higher and higher into the sky, and before they knew it. They were reaching the stars.

"Wait." Mark stopped them. "Do you guys smell that?" Mark asked, the air smelt highly toxic.

"Oh my rays it's smells like gasoline." Haechan said, his nose scrunched up in disgust.

"Its giving me a headache." Mark groaned as he feels his head spinning. "I'm going back down." Mark said before he quickly started to float back down to the snowy mountain.

"I think we found our problem." Jeonghan said.

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