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Ellen pov:

I woke up around 4 o'clock in the morning I packed my bag and went into every kids room and kissed them. I went downstairs and made myself some cereal and went into social media for a little. I heard the door knock and I answered it.

"Hey mom" I said hugging her

"Hey El" she replied

"Thanks you so much for watching the kids I don't know what I would do without you" I said.

"Of course I love to see my grandchildren." She said walking into the house.

"Well mom I got to go love you" I said hugging her

"Love you too"she replied.

I got my suitcase and I went to the airport. It was a long miserable car ride their and when I finally got to the airport I check in with security and then made my way to the terminal. After watching netflix for a few minutes my phone rang and it was Patrick.

Me- hey honey what's up

P- nothing much just wanted to see what you are doing today.

Me- same here I'm just filming today and then I'm going to go to the mall today and pick up stuff for the kids.

P- that's awesome I miss you

Me- I miss you too

We hung up the phone and we soon boarded very quickly. I was in first class and I was feeling nauseous. I couldn't wait to see Patrick but I was scared to ride the plane. I knew because wow the time difference since it was 6 am here it would 3 pm to him. So when I landed it would be around 3 am his time since the flight is around 12 hours long. I have been feeling sick these past couple of weeks but I never really thought it could be anything. I ordered breakfast and I got a glass of water to help with the fact I hate flying. I watched the movie enchanted with Patrick in it and as soon as I saw him on the screen it calmed me down. After I watched the movie I got a sandwich for lunch and I took a nap. I woke up to go to the bathroom when all of a sudden turbulence happened and I fell into a strangers lap.

"Oh I'm so sorry" I said

"No it's ok, what's your name" the man asked

"I'm Ellen what's your name" I asked

"I'm Parker, nice you meet you Ellen" he said while taking my hand and kissing it.

We talked for a while before I realized I was still on him.

"Oh I totally forgot I'm still sitting on you" I said getting off of him

"Oh no worries" Parker said

"Im going to the bathroom, nice meeting you Parker" I said walking over to the bathroom. After I washed my hands and opened the door I saw him again, she grabbed my waist and started kissing me.

"Get off of me" I yelled slapping his face. He was knocked to the ground and I got a flight attendant and told her what happened. She called security to come get him as soon as the landed which wasn't for 3 more hours. Despite what happened I took a nap.

To my surprise I woke up and we already landed so I got up and went to baggage claim. After I got my bag I went to a coffee shop in the airport and got a coffee since I was exhausted even though I slept for half of my flight.

I got a taxi and he ask where to take me. "Chatou please" I asked him. We made small talk on the way there and when I got to the outside of him apartment I braced myself. I was so excited to see him and I couldn't wait to be in his embrace. I went into the elevator and pressed the 5th floor. I went to his apparent room and i knocked on the door.

Patrick pov:

It was 3 o'clock in the morning and I wondered who it could be. I threw pants on and a shirt and I opened the door.

"omg" was all I could get out. I was frozen, my favorite person in the world is standing in front of me.

"are you gonna let me in or what" she asked.

I quickly ran up to her a picked her up in my arms. "Hey El, you don't know how much I needed this." I said kissing her.

"I missed you too" she said as she jumped back into my arms. we walked in and I put her down onto the bed.

" so El what are you doing here?" I asked her

" I couldn't not watch you race, plus we all know you race better when I'm watching." she said in a sarcastic voice.

"wanna go to bed" I asked since I saw her yawning.

"yes please" she said taking her clothes off and putting on a shirt that was mine. She came out of the bathroom and came next me putting her head on my chest. I put a protective arm around her and we both drifted off to sleep in each others embrace.

Day of the tournament

author pov:

they woke up in each others embrace Patrick woke up first while Ellen was stirring a bit in her sleep. "Morning beautiful" he said kissing her head. "Morning handsome" she replied playing with his hair. They got out of bed and had eggs for breakfast. They got dressed and headed to the tournament.
"Good luck Patty" Ellen said.

"Thank you Ellie" he replied kissing her goodbye and he went into the locker room. After he got ready he did a couple practice rounds and checked his car and was finally ready to race.

Patrick pov:

"Racers on go you can start racing" the voice in my headphones said. I saw the lady walk up and hold a flag, as soon as she put the flag down I went flying. I did a couple rounds each time looking at Ellie and I smiled at her even though she could see me. A couple minutes later this was a pit stop and I was back in first place. After racing for what felt like forever I was on my last lap. I sped ahead of everyone because I was in 5th and I got to first place at the last second. I got out of my car and waved to Ellen and giving her an air kiss and she returned. As soon as I got my trophy and I did my speech I saw Ellen run towards me in the track and she ran and jumped into my arms while I was kissing her.
"I knew you could do" she told me

" I couldn't of done it without you" I said hugging her.

Hey everyone. My computer broke awhile ago and I am getting it fixed tmrw so I am writing the next couple chapters on my phone so it might take a while to upload but I will do it as soon as possible. I hope you guys like this chap and lmk what u guys think of it. Happy new year!!!

Tiktok- ellenpompeosbitches

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