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Author pov: 

Patrick and Ellen were thrilled, tomorrow they would be married and they couldn't be happier. Ellen woke up to a soft pair of lips or hers. "Good morning" she said returning the kiss. "We are getting married tomorrow" He said. "We are getting married tomorrow" she said as the words just rolled off her tongue. They got up and Ellen did not want to leave Patrick, they were going for the traditional 'bride and groom can't see each other until the wedding day' so Patrick was going to hangout with Eric, Justin, and Jesse who were going to be his groomsmen. Patrick decided to pick up his family at the airport and then bring them to the hotel. Patrick packed his bags for the night and Ellen refused to leave his side. "Patty don't leave" she begged. "El its ok we are only apart for a day and then I get to be married to you" he said. "ok fine but a kiss before you go" she asked. "of course" he replied. He leaned in and kissed her lips and then she tried to put her tongue in his mouth but he pulled away. "you know if I let your tongue in my mouth I wouldn't be able to leave" he said laughing. He kissed her one last time and then got in the car and drove in the airport. 

patrick pov:

I was drove to the airport and with my luck There was a ton of traffic. After an hour in traffic I got to the airport and I picked up my family. 

"Hi mom" I said and hugged her tightly

"Hi patrick, so you finally got her to marry you" she said laughing 

"yep I did" I replied. 

"hey Patrick did you miss us" my two sister ran up and hugged me

"Hey Mary hey Alica oh course I missed you guys" I replied 

I got there stuff into the car and we stopped for food on the way. I dropped them off at the hotel they were staying at and I drove off to Erics house and thats we are meeting everybody. I pulled into the house and opened the door. There was music and Eric had a beer in his hand. "Hey Pat" he said. "hey Eric" I replied "lets go downstairs and play pool all they other boys are down there"  he said and I followed him 

"Hey man" Jesse and Justin said at once 

"hey guys" I replied. for a while we all talked and then we got into the car to get food. We went to chipotle and I got a buttito bowel with chicken, lettuce, cheese, queso, hot sauce, and peppers. Justin got a burrito, Eric got a burrito bowel, and Jesse got a burrito.    We then got down to the church and I went to the grooms suit to get ready. 

Ellens pov 

After Patrick left I went to dunkin donuts and I got myself some coffee and I got a bacon and cheese with egg breakfast sandwich. I then went to the bridal hotel to see my family and friends since my family flew in last night. 

"Hey bitchess" I said while walking into the suite 

"My gurl is getting married todayyy" Camilla screamed running in the suite after me

"Hey El you'll look gorgeous" my sister Maureen said 

"thank you guys so much for coming" I told my dad, brothers, and sisters

"El we wouldn't miss this for the world. Your mom would be so proud." my dad said

"Thanks dad I love you" I said

"love you too sweetheart" he replied

"ok,ok lets go and let ellen get ready" My brother joey told them 

"Ok fine, bye princess" my dad said

"bye dad love you" I replied

I spent the rest of the time getting my hair and makeup done I went to go see Stella and Talula  who were in the next room. 

"Hey girlies" I said running up and hugging them.

"Hey mom" Talula yelled

"hey mommy" Stella said

"Mom you look so beautiful" Talula said

"thanks T both of you look gorgeous" I replied

Now it was almost time for the ceremony and I got my dress on and went down to the church. The wedding song started to play and I got nervous but a good type of nervous. the ceremony starts and before we can say our vows the church doors open and my heart sinks. 

JILL thats who I see 

"Patrick I love you, you have my kids I know we aren't in the best place but I promise I will work harder please I love you

"Jill I love you too" he says and starts to walk over to her 

I fall down and cry as everyone crowds around me asking if i'm ok then Patrick come back to me and says "Ellie wake up" and shakes me. 

Suddenly I jolt up and i'm covered in tears and sweat. 

"ellie whats wrong" he asks me 

" Oh thank god that was just a dream" I say hugging him and ignoring his question. He holds me until I calm down and I finally talk to him 

'I had the worse dream ever, it was our wedding day but you left me at the alter for jill" I told his holding onto his shirt. 

"Oh el I would never leave you for her, you're the love of my life" He said kissing my head since I was on his lap. "But guess what today is" he asked me. "Its our WEDDING DAY" I replied and I got off his lap and I went on my knees and I kissed him 

Hey guess I finally updated and sorry this is terrible writing part of me just wanted to get something out but next chap will be better quality but the last weeks ep of greys was so cute but emotional I cried. but yeah ty guys sm for reading 


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