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So I forgot to mention the ages, Talula is 16, Darby and Sullivan are 9 and Stella is 4. Also forgot to mention it's summer break  *ages are made up not real*

Ellen pov:
"Let's go to your house" I told him "are you sure I don't want to push you" he said. "No I want to plus Stella is there and I want to meet your kids" I told him with all honesty "ok let's go" he told me. I could tell he was happy and that made me really happy. We pulled into the driveway and Stella ran up and hugged me, I introduced her to Patrick. "Hey Stella I want you to meet Patrick, he's mommies boyfriend" she looked confused but then hugged him tightly. "Hey Stella I hope within the next few weeks we become friends, how was it hanging out with Talula, Darby, and Sullivan?" He asked her. "It was so much fun. I love hanging out with Talula?" She told him, "well that's good I'm glad" he said while kissing her forehead. "Would you guys like to come in, I can make dinner and we can watch a movie. You could also meet my kids even though you have met Talula before but she hasn't seen you in a long time." He offered "we would love to won't we Stella" "of course we would" she laughed. We walked in and I saw his kids all on the couch. And I saw Patrick and Stella talking and making dinner

Author pov:
Ellen walked over to the couch and introduced herself "hey guys I'm Ellen, I'm have meet you before but you might of now remembered me" she told them. "Ellen!" Talula ran over and hugged her, "of course I remember you. I've missed you so much!" "So she's the girl that's making dad happy" Darby said "DARBY YOU ARENT SUPPOSED TO SAY ANYTHING" Talula and Sullivan said. "Sorry" Darby said quietly. "hey no it's ok and yes. I guess I am but you dad also makes me very happy." She told them. "I'm glad my dad has found someone that makes him happy." Talula said. Ellen was about to get teary-eyed.

Patrick pov:
I picked up Stella and put her on the counter. "So Stella what's your favorite color." I ask her "ummm I like pink." "Yeah that's cool, what should we make for dinner." "Ummm pasta!" She yelled. I thought she was the cutest thing and I can't wait to get to know her more but my thoughts were interrupted by Talula and Sullivan yelling DARBY and then I heard Ellen tell the it's ok. They were all so cute. I was drinking water when Stella said "So are you going to be my new dad because you make my mom very happy" I basically chocked on my water "well I hope to be because I love your mom, but don't tell her I said that ok?" I asked her "ok I promise I won't tell." She replied back. "DINNERS READY" I yelled. They all came to the dining room and we all sat down and ate. "So are you guys together" Darby asked "yes we are" I said while grabbing her hand "and so are they going to move in" Sullivan asked. Ellen basically chocked on her pasta and so did I. "Not right now but maybe in a few months" I said while looking for her approval, she nodded her head

Ellen pov:
After dinner we all sat on the big couch. Stella by Talula and they were laying on eachother. Darby and Sullivan were on the other side. And I laid in between Patrick's legs with my head on his chest. Our feet playing under the blanket. "What movie should we watch?" Patrick asked the kids. "Let's watch "Brave the Disney movie" Talula and Stella said. "Fineeeeee" groaned Darby and Sullivan. Half way through the movie the twins fell asleep. A little after Stella and Talula fell asleep. We decided not to move them til after the movie

Patrick pov:
After the movie ended I noticed that Ellen fell asleep. I got up and carried the boys into their room. After I quietly woke up Talula and asked if Stella could sleep with her she said of course and they went upstairs. Then I got Ellie and she groaned "can you carry me" she said half asleep. "Of course come here" I responded. I picked her up and her legs went around my waist and her head went on my chest and moves to my shoulder. I could imagine doing this for the rest of my life. I put her in bed and went to the bathroom when I got back she was up and looked sad."What's wrong" I asked her "I wanna cuddle" she said with puppy dog eyes "oh of course" I said coming onto the bed. She put her head on my chest and whispered "I love you Paddy." And my heart melt I whispered back "I love you Ellie" after cuddling for 3 hours we both fell asleep in eachothers arms.

The next morning

Patrick pov: I woke up with her on top of me. I slowly moved over to get out of bed. I put my robe on and woke the kids up and went downstairs I made pancakes,eggs and bacon. "Morning everyone" I said they all said "good morning" while yawning. "How did everyone sleep?" I asked them "good the was really peaceful" Talula said "good but Darby snores" Sullivan said. "Well I slept l perfectly" Darby said. "What about you Stella?" I asked "I slept very very good." She said with a smile "that's good." Now I'm going back upstairs so you guys eat I'm going to go wake Ellen up. "Ok dad" Talula said. I walked up the stairs into my bedroom and saw her still sleeping. I kissed her and I saw her eyes open "good morning Ellie" I said giving her another kiss. "Good morning Paddy" she said giving me a kiss. "So what are we doing today" she asked me "I was think about a date night." I told her "yay!" She passionately kissed me. " tonight at 6 meet me at the front door" I told her. " I have to shower she said." "So do I" I said with a smirk. " No not now but maybe you'll get lucky tonight." She said "I never said we would do stuff I can help you shower" I said hoping she would say yes. "Let's go" she said grabbing my hand. We got into the shower and I took the loofa and put soap on the going up and down her body. I sucked on her neck and moved to a spot on her neck that drove her crazy. "Patrick no" she said moaning she backed away and took my shampoo and put it all over my head massaging it. I let out a slight moan, and then we had a little fun like I slammed her against the wall and kissed her passionately or she would jump into my arms and play with my hair. I swear I love her with my whole heart. We got out of the shower and I got dressed first. And I went downstairs, she wanted her outfit to be a surprise. She walked down with a tight black dress that showed all her curves. It went down to her calves and had a cut on the right side that went up to her knee. She had black and gold heels. "Woah- you look- wow" was all I managed to say. "Hey handsome" she said and kissed me on the lips. "Ready to go" I asked "yes" she replied with. We said goodbye to the kids and linked arms and went to the car and drove off to the surprise spot. 

Hey so hope you guys liked this chapter. The next chapter will be about the date and yeah. Words count- 1338

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