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Patrick POV:

I put on my white dress shirt as well as grey dress pants, I put cologne on that Ellen bought me and I went downstairs. "goodbye guys, Tal thanks for watching everyone" I said. "no problem dad" she replied. I went into my car a puller out of my driveway.

I got to the restaurant and it was one of our favorites, I went to the receptionist and said "Dempsey for two" she showed me to the table and I waited for Ellen, As soon as I saw the door open I knew it was her. She walked towards me and my jaw dropped. She looked absolutely stunning. "wow" was all I could say. "hey gorgeous" she said. I kissed her like the world was going to end and pulled away. "you look amazing, Im so glad to call you mine in a few weeks" I said scanning her. "I can't wait to be Mrs. Dempsey" She replied kissing me. I stood up and puller her chair out for her. "wow such a gentlemen" she said laughing. I sat down and we talked for 10 minutes about random things. "Can I start you guys off with anything?" the waitress asked. "Yes people can we get two glasses of red wine" I asked her. "coming right up" she said skipping away, she seamed like a very happy person.

"So tell me about filming," I asked her,

"well Camilla, Jessica and I always hangout when we aren't filming, our trailers are next to each other so its easy to just hangout."

"thats awesome, we need to get together with everyone" I said

"yeah we definitely should it would be so much fun" She replied

"I miss the cast so much, also filming and being on set, I always missed it but these past weeks I have really it" I told her honestly

" I know a lot of the cast miss you, I should ask Krista if you can maybe come back like do a couple pop ups maybe in my dreams or maybe for good." she said

"Yeah we should definitely ask" I said taking her hand.

The waitress came back with our wine and asked us if we were ready to order. " Yes we are, can I get the lobster" I said. "Of course and for you ma'am, she said cheerfully. "can I get the sushi please" Ellen asked pointing to what one she wanted on the menu. "of course, your food will be here shortly" she said walking of. The rest of the dinner went into a blur. We laughed, talked and kissed. We got the check and I paid, as I signed the check Ellen said something.

" I have a surprise for you" she said. "What's the surprise?" I asked. She handed me a letter and said. "Open it it's your first clue. Once you figure it out go to the next place it said. I'll be at the final spot" she said kissing my cheek and walking out. I was so confused but after signing the check I got out of the restaurant and went into my car to open the clue.

Go to the place we call home

I obviously knew it was out house so I go in my car and i quickly drove to our house. After a short drive I finally made it and I went to the front porch and found a letter the same as the first one. I opened it up and the clue said.

Go to the place we had our first real fight

I figured it had to be the mall because that's where she saw me and my manager. I drove to the mall as fast as I could with as much traffic that was on the roads. I finally got to the entrance of the mall and checked the concrete then it occurred to me to look at the bushes. I looked in the bushes and I hit me head on a branch. I looked up and I found the clue on the branch and I opened it, the clue said.

Go to the place that we love to go

I immediately thought of the little park that we go to with the kids sometimes but then I thought of the park we go just to the two of us. I decided to go to the park we go with the kids first. It was kind of secluded so it took me a while to get there but as I did I looked for a couple minutes and I couldn't find it. I then quickly got into my car and drove to the other park. It only took five minutes to get there and i found the clue fairly quickly.

Final place: Go to the place where the water meets the sand and we go to get a break

I ran to the car with excitement because I couldn't wait to see why I had to do this whole scanner hunt.

Ellen pov:
After I left him at the restaurant I ran to the car and drove to the beach. More importantly the secluded beach that was never packed. After I got there I got out and took the baby powder out of my bag as well as a trace of two baby feet. I sprinkled the baby powder in the traces foot prints to create baby feet that were on my stomach. I then got candles and lit them all around the beach. Then put it away and got out the ultra sound that I got yesterday. In a couple weeks we can figure out the gender. I saw a car pull up and I knew it was him because I saw his red Porsche.

Patrick pov:
I finally got out of the car and saw the candles and I saw her. As I came closer I saw something on her dress but I couldn't quiet see. After i was only a couple feet away from her I saw the footprints.

"El what's on your dress?" I asked her.

"You tell me" she said. I thought for a second and I figured it out.

"Your pregnant?" I asked her shocked

"Yeah I'm pregnant" she said excitedly

"We're gonna have a baby" I said

"We are going to have a baby" she said.

I ran up to her and gave her a passionate kiss. It felt like my world was complete and I was so excited to meet our baby.

"Do you have an ultrasound picture?" I asked her in tears.

"Yeah here" she said taking it out of her purse with tears starting to fall

"The baby is already adorable" I said wiping her tears away

We stood in comfortable silence just holding each other. I put my hand on her stomach and wiped away her happy tears.

"I love you" I said

"I love you more" she said kissing me.

After a while we blew out the candles and then went into the cars and drove home. We both got into the driveway and Ellen quickly rubbed the baby powder off. I gave her a questionable look.

"I want to tell them tomorrow" she said.

I gave a reassuring nod and put my hand around her waist. We went inside and out everyone to bed. We took a quick shower together and then she put in panties and a shirt of mine and I put on my boxers and then went under the covers in each other's embrace. Except this time I put my hand under her bump and kissed our baby goodnight. I then kissed Ellen on the lips and we both drifted off to sleep.

Sorry I didn't update when I said I would. I rewrote this like 5 times. But I think I might start another story. This story won't end yet but the story I want to make will just be when I'm bored but will be good quality. You guys can choose what I write next. Also ty for so much support!!!

A. Ellen and Patrick growing up as neighbors

B. Meredith and Derek in college

C. Same as a but make it merder

D. Same as b but make it dempeo

E. Different option- comment it

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