11: Midnight Snack

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After dinner, Angel Hale as their dorm adviser tells them to go to bed early since orientation day is tomorrow and it will happen at the auditorium hall since there will be a speech from the principal and explanations of the rules.

But nonetheless, the demons would rebel to it anyway, because here they are at the garden obviously staying up, probably doing chaos. Meanwhile, the angels are asleep or preparing themselves for orientation day, including Amethyst. She is in her bed but she can't seem to sleep. She's too excited about this event that she actually stays up but stays in her room.

Suddenly her stomach growls in hunger and the only snack she has is instant noodles so she has no choice but to sneak out to the kitchen to make the noodles. She sneakily walks to the kitchen and luckily gets there without getting caught by the teachers but as soon as she enters she bumps into someone. She cowers back until her necklace glows both warning her yet giving her light.

Turns out it's Raven and Scarlet having their midnight snack with the other demons.

"Amethyst?!" She hears Raven gasps.

"Y-You!" She gasps back "Why aren't you guys in bed?" She asks.

"Same question to you, angel." Jace scoffs. "Well, obviously Scarlet got hungry. No worries, Lucas ain't here cause he prefers his s*x dreams over food, and Brian is too lazy to join us," he adds.

"I see..." Amethyst nods. "well I'm here for the same purpose. Midnight snacks." she adds, showing them her one and only instant noodle.

"Ah instant noodle, well the kettles that way your holy-ness." Jace jokes which Amethyst laughs at his sarcastic joke and goes her way to the kettle.

Surprisingly they aren't attacking her until William shows up. Amethyst got cautious and turns around, covering her instant noodle behind her.

"H-Hi..." She greets her nervously.

"How unusual. An angel with demons, what brings you here?" He asks in an intimidating tone.

"Mi-midnight snack... I got hungry..." She mutters.

"Like me! She gets hungry too! Now back off before I start to scratch your face!" Scarlet scolds him.

"Shut up, you're literally a pig and I have fire magic!" William scowls.

"And I can control your brain so shut the f*ck up!" Jace scolds him, glaring at him as his eyes glow a bright blue, shutting up Satan's son magically.

Amethyst is confused at all the magical things happening in front of her. Okay, he may be right that Scarlet's demonic form is a pig and William's demon form is probably a fire demon but she doesn't know how Jace would look like as a demon. For all she knows, Raven can turn into a snake any time and that makes her more cautious.

"Wh-what's going on?" She asks nervously again.

"Nothing much, is the water done?" Raven asks, going to her side.

"I think so..." Amethyst replies softly as she checks the kettle to make sure the water is warm enough for the noodles.

The night was spent with the demons, they all talk about all sorts of things and Amethyst surprisingly doesn't find them that dangerous.

"Wait so you can actually transform into a pig?" Amethyst asks.

"I can, that's my demonic form. Hold on..." Scarlet said as she transforms into her demon form which is a small pink piglet or at least that's what she said it was. 

"Awww you look adorable!" She squeals, putting Scarlet into her lap. "So...uhm from what I know Raven can transform into a snake in his demonic form and William is probably a living volcano." She guesses.

"Not quite," Raven said. "A water serpent." he corrects.

"That's the exact same thing as a snake." Alois scoffs. "in my case, I just grow my demon wings, demon horns, and a sharp tail."

"That's interesting..." Amethyst nods. "you guys are so cool..." she said.

"So are you," Scarlet said still in her pig form. "I hear you burnt Lucas's hand with your bare hands."

"I thought it's common sense that an angel would burn a demon and vice versa," Amethyst said.

"Some are actually immune to that, some powerful demons so I suggest you be more careful," Raven replies.

"I guess." Amethyst nods. "anyways, since we're done eating shall we go to bed?" She offers.

"Nah, I'm a nocturnal demon." Jace shakes his head.

"Raven?" Amethyst asks.

"Fine, let's go." Raven rolls his eyes and stands up causing the demon squad to wolf whistle and cheer.

"Woohoo! Get some, dude!" William exclaims before getting smack by Jace.

"Where are your manners?!" He growls causing William to glare at him as his eyes turn green in rage.

"That's enough, you two. I suggest you rest. I can sense you guys are turning cranky cause you're sleepy." Amethyst said. "even Scarlet is already sleeping in my arms."

"And she didn't get burnt...." Alois mutters, to Jace.

The demons stare at their female comrade in confusion and amazement while Amethyst just shrugs and goes on her way back to bed carrying Scarlet with Raven tagging along. 

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