O2 : Michael's Son, Matthew

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That night, Melody opens her window to see her neighbor and best friend Matthew in front of her window.

"Yo, open up!" Matthew exclaims, knocking on the window. Melody hurriedly open the window and let her best friend in. After settling down on her bed, she asks why Matthew's in her house so late at night.

"What's up, Mattie?" She asks.

"Guess what I got this morning!" He exclaims as he shows the same envelope that has a golden lining on it.

"Wait! I have the same thing!" Melody exclaims, fishing hers out of her bag. The two of them stare at the envelope in both surprised, confusion all at once.

"You got invite to Nocte ac Die?!" He asks. "Who's daughter are you?"

"I did! It was said that I'm Ramiel's daugther. You?" She replies with a question.

"Mikhael's!" Matthew answers proudly. "that makes you my cousin." he adds with a smug smile.

"Mikhael and Ramiel are siblings?" I asks confusedly.

"Not biologically, they're so close that they consider themselves brothers. I've done my research." Matthew replies. "there are seven of them, seven heavenly virtues and seven deadly sins. We are part of the seven heavenly virtues. We are technically angels disguised as humans." He continues.

"Oh my God, that actually happened to me! When I read the letters suddenly a big golden angel wings appeared from my back and a golden tiara appears with it! That's so crazy!" Melody exclaims.

"You won't guess what happened to me! I have that gold wings and a knight armor! That's so cool!" Matthew replies just as excited as his best friend.

Up there, Mikhael and Ramiel watches them with fond smiles. Gabriel who's with them also stares at the situation.

"This was a good idea." Gabriel said. "that way, Amethyst can be save." he adds.

"As she should and Matthew can become the warrior angel that he is. Just like me." Mikhael agrees.

Back on earth, the two are searching about the angels and the demons. They search about each one of them until they realized that they must find the other five and befriend them cause they're supposed to be a team like their parents.

"We need to find the others." Mikhael said.

"I'm sure we'll meet them at this new school right?" Melody replies with a question.

"I don't know. They lived on earth like us so I hope the earth doesn't affect them much. It does affect you a bit to be honest." Mikhael answers.

"And it does to you." Melody agrees. "besides, the letter says we'll be settled in our dorms in five days so we need to prepare ourselves. Like packing up and researching more about them." she adds.

"That's true, let's just hope nothing bad happens. I don't even know what to do if I meet Mamon's kid." Mikhael said.

"Well let's just hope Lewiatan's kid don't just pop out of no where and try to kill me." Melody laughs.

At the end, Matthew end up sleeping over. He slept on an extra bed beneath Melody's bed. As they were sleeping, the two are awake again at 3 a.m since they felt a presence in their room. A bad presence. Melody and Matthew looks cautiously around the room until they see a snake-like demon.

"Father, give me all the strength you have to cast it away..." Melody mutters staring at the snake-like demon in fear, afraid it'd attack her.

Little did she know, Matthew is saying the same thing and just as they finish their words, golden wings appear behind their backs. Melody has a beautiful golden tiara and a sword of thunder and a shield to help her. While Matthew now has an armor, an ice crystal sword and a golden shield. The two of them get ready to defend themselves from this scary creature. But the snake-like demon didn't attack them, he just transform into a human-like form, his tongue still slithers like a snake.

"Ah, how interesting. The descendants of Mikhael and Ramiel all-together in the same room. Your parents are always been best friends up there. Just a lil info by the way." He said still slithering his tongue just like a snake.

"What do you want from us? Why are you here?!" Melody asks bravely.

"Ah, brave as ever. As expected from the angel of kindness. Ah, how rude of me. I'm Lewiatan, known more as the demon of envy." the snake-like demon replies.

"And that still doesn't answer my question. Why are you here?" Melody asks. "don't make me electrocute you, demon!" she demands.

"Oh, have mercy, dear angel." Lewiatan sarcastically said. "not to worry, I won't cause any harm since I'm just checking out the other side." he adds.

Matthew scoffs at the words, he can smell lies from mile away and he knows well that his snake-like demon wants to kill his best friend, but Melody is leading the fight so he can't say anything against it. She just tells him to leave and not bother her any further. With that, Lewiatan poofs away like nothing happens. As soon as he leaves, the two return to their human form, falling down to their bed.

"I didn't know transforming into angel mode would be that tiring. Is it because we're not used to it?" Matthew asks.

"I think so, how is he doing this without tiredness? I can't even stand properly with those wings one." Melody replies.

Suddenly a bright light interrupts them. The light is so bright that they have look away yet a male voice can be heard from that bright light,

"My son, Amethyst, do not worry. The usage of wings do need practices. We all start with little wings since we're born angels and are used to it. Since you're starting at fourteen, it'd be a little hard. Hope your new school can help you with that." Mikhael said.

And with that, he disappears again. Melody and Matthew stare at the blank spot that Mikhael just stand.

"Those guys really need to stop appearing out of no where, or at least warn us!" Matthew complains. 

The Angel of KindnessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora