Special Chapter O2: Halloween Specials

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Halloween is getting closer and closer yet the students in Nocte Ac Die academy have no idea what that is since they may spend too much in heaven or hell.

"You guys don't know what that is?!" Matthew gasps.

"Yeah, what even is that?" Alois replies. "if it's another lame celebration like valentine's day I'm taking your whole bank account."

"No, you're not." Matthew replies. "it's the day where we scare people by using costumes!"

"Yeah, take his whole bank account," Jace said.

"Says the one who has amazing fashion." Amethyst retorts sarcastically earning a snicker from her boyfriend, Raven.

"Well, in my defense it's my daily outfit. What am I supposed to be? A f*ckin angel?!" Jace scoffs earning an offended gasp from the angel kids.

"Why not? We sure are scary in your world?" Gabriel said with an angry smile.

"Well, why don't we just watch some Halloween movies?" Cherry suggests.

"Nope, not me. Just here to dress up." Amethyst said.

"Ditto," Rose adds.

"Oh come on, it'd be fun!" Cherry pleads.

But Rose and Amethyst shake their heads and the angel boys prefer to collect candy while the demon kids probably think those horror movies are boring since they're literally staring at their parents or their servant doing work which is something they see every day. But not Raven because on the 30th of October, at 11 p.m he actually transforms into a snake and intrudes the DIe building yet again. The snake hissing can be heard by Amethyst to the point that she actually opens the door before the snake-like boy can enter.

"What do you need?" She asks.

Raven sighs in his demon form and turns into his human form, still in his purple pajamas.

"Can you come with me for a sec? I need to show you something?" He asks, more like a plea.

"We're both in pajamas." Amethyst points out.

"I know but can you please come with me? It won't be that long." Raven again, pleads.

"Do you want me to dress up or-"

"Nah, pajamas are comfier, let's go!" Raven cuts in, pulling Amethyst out of her room. Amethyst just stares at the snake-like demon confusedly as he pulls her to run with him.

"Can't we just fly to make things easier?" Amethyst, dumbly asks.

"It'd grab attention. You can even hear my hissing and your angel form glows in the dark remember?" He reminds her.

"Touche." Amethyst giggles as they both run to where Raven is taking her.

In just minutes, they're now both in the garden, between the nocte and die building. There's also a purple-black tent probably owned by Raven. She also sees orange lanterns all around.

"It's so pretty!" Amethyst squeals. "wait... when did you even do this?" she asks.

"That's for me to know and you to find out, angel." Raven teases. "come on, let's get in."

The couple gets into the tent and they see a laptop already standing by, some popcorn and chips, and he also provides drinks.

"Oh, this nice.... comfy too..." Amethyst said as she sits on a cushion sofa that Raven somehow dragged all the way from his dorm, but let's not let her know.

"Thanks, I tried my best to make you comfortable, we're watching a movie too so we need to get comfy right?" Raven replies, sitting beside her. Amethyst nods, agreeing to him as she leans on his shoulder.

"What movie are we watching though?" She asks.

"You'll see," Raven answers as he presses play.

Turns out, when we say he's a snake, he is actually a snake. Why? Because he puts up insidious right in front of his girlfriend. Amethyst the whole time just hides in his hug, especially on the scary parts which is 80% of the movie.

"You told me we're watching non-scary Halloween movies!!" She whines in his hug.

"But where's the fun in that?" Raven asks mischief is hinted in his tone.

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!!" Amethyst shouts, hitting Raven slightly.

"Love you too, my angel." Raven chuckles. "okay fine, let's watch the normal Halloween movies. What do you want to watch?" he asks.

"U-uhm... anything non-horror?" She replies, giving him cute puppy eyes.

Raven widened his eyes a little. Despite dating her for five months, he still can't handle her cuteness, he even accidentally nosebleed that one time, lucky for him he doesn't.

"Be more specific, babe. There are many non-horror Halloween movies." Raven reminds her.

"U-uhm.... hocus pocus?" She asks.

"Anything for you, my dear." Raven chuckles as he puts on hocus pocus for his precious angel.

That night, more like midnight, is spent with them watching more Halloween movies to the point their roommates are out looking for them until Cherry and Jace see a purple-black tent. Before they can even act out, Lucas without hesitation opens the tent finding the couple sleeping with Beetlejuice still playing.

"And they didn't invite us." He scoffs.

"Oi! Wake up!" William scolds.

Amethyst squirms in Raven's hold and opens her eyes carefully. Her blurry vision turns clear as she sees Lucas and William in front of her boyfriend's tent. She squeals as she tries to let go of herself and fails since Raven's hold was quite strong on her.

"Can't someone just wake him up?! Class is starting in 30 minutes." Gabriel said.

"Aight." Alois nods, stealing Gabriel's water bottle and pouring it on Raven's head causing the envious demon kid to gasp and wake up.

"Good morning, sleeping demon. Class is in f*ckin 30 minutes. Get up or f*ckin skip!" Gabriel growls.

"in 30 minutes?!" Amethyst gasps as she escapes the tent.

"Yes, now hurry up before Angel Hale scolds you and puts Raven into the holy water tub as punishment." Rose sighs.

"Chop, Chop, grape head!" Gabriel scolds as Raven rolls his eyes, getting out of his tent. 

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