O8 : School Garden Shenanigans

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After settling in and having lunch , Amethyst went on walk to refresh her brain after all the stress of settling in. Just imagine the chaos of her and Unity trying to fit the clothes in one wardrobe, trying to pick which bed cause they're arguing that the other should choose first and more over, Angel Dina, also their teacher is telling them to hurry up cause lunch is almost ready.

So, here she is in the garden between the Nocte tower and Die building, the only demon and angel friendly area. She sits on the bench swing, just swinging her heart out until she feels a presence. Since her necklace didn't glow, signaling her of danger, she thought it was just another angel just as stress as she is, trying to clear their mind but turns out she feels a dark aura around her. She looks to the left and she finds Lucas, the demon of lust. As soon as she sees him, the necklace glows twice brighter than it ever did. Amethyst of course gets off the swing and escaping any attack this guy is about to cause but instead he just ask,

"Have you seen Unity?" He asks.

"Not that I know off, why?" She asks, still cautious.

"Oh nothing much, just asking where she is unless you want to replace her." he taunts.

"Excuse me?!" She asks.

"Yeah replace her. You know guys have needs do you?" He asks with a wicked smile. Amethyst backs away even more because she knows well he is the descendant of Asmodeus, the lust demon.

"Don't come any closer! Don't make me electrocute you!" She demands.

"Aw, the small angel has lots of power does she? Let's see what you have?" Lucas said in a mocking away, still moving towards Amethyst.

Amethyst tries to reach for her sword or transform but she can't for some reason. There can only be one way.

'Fine, no sword? Bare hands it is.' She thought as soon as Lucas's hands are getting closer. She grabbed the hands, preventing him from touching without realizing they both got burned for touching each other. She grips it even harder hearing a pained groan from Lucas.

"Okay! Okay! Enough! Let go!" He shouts. Amethyst sigh as she lets go.

"Okay, what do YOU really WANT?" She asks.

"Again, finding Unity." He replies.

"Not gonna tell you." She answers showing him a sarcastic smile. "we both know shagging anyone is forbidden in the school grounds. Either you're a demon or an angel. You don't want mr. Baphomet to yeet you out of this school, do you?"


"Learn to control yourself! Yeah, you're the demon of lust, we get it. But we just got here. You wanna get kicked out of school? Be my guess. Even if you do find her, the dormitory guards would woop your arse." Amethyst cuts him short, protecting her roommate.

"Touche." Lucas said, nodding. "then I'll just find her myself. Thank you for your time, angel." he said, giving a polite nod then walking away like nothing happen.

Amethyst shrugs, going on her way back thinking, 'Well at least he's polite.' But on her way she's met with a taller male. She even accidentally bump on him.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" She apologizes but her necklace glows again and her eyes meet a pair of glowing purple eyes.

"Found ya." He said.

'Oh, you've got to be kidding me!' Amethyst thought. 

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