O1 : A Mysterious Letter

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Amethyst or Melody grew up into a beautiful girl. She is now sixteen and attending Saint Michael high school since her parents are catholic and so is she after she was baptized at the age of one. But as she was about to go there, a mysterious lady appears in front of her door.

"Can I help you ma'am?" She asks confusedly.

"Are you Amethyst Melody Hall?" The lady asks.

"Yes, that's me!" Melody replies confusedly.

"Well, then this letter is for you." The women replies softly, giving her a letter with a golden lining and a sun-moon crest on it. "after reading it, please contact me though instructions written in that letter. That is all." The women told her before she disappears right in front of her.

Melody or Amethyst confusedly opens the letter and finds two documents. The first one is a golden paper, similar to her birth certificate and the other one is a letter.

"I'll just read this later." She mutters as she puts the letter back into its envelope, putting in into her bag before going on her merry way to school.

At school, everything went well since she's not involved in dramas and any trouble. After many-many lessons passed, Melody sits back from lunch and opens the letter. She reads the two papers carefully. The first letter is her heavenly birth certificate which has her name, date of birth and father's name...Ramiel?!

"Ra-ramiel?" She confusedly repeats to herself.

Then, she reads the letter given to her which is an invitation to Nocte ac Die academy which is a school for angels and demons. She's pretty sure she's a human since birth since she's born on earth, she doesn't have wings, she doesn't have a halo and she's pretty sure she's just a nice a person. But famous last words, wings suddenly sprout out of her just as she was talking about it and a golden tiara appears on her head. Melody is confused until she hears a voice, a male's voice,

"I know you are confused my daughter, but this is what you really are." the voice said.

Melody looks around trying to find a voice before suddenly she finds the source from a very pale man with the same color of wings.

"Are you....Ramiel?" She asks.

"Yes, my dear. I am Ramiel, angel of kindness. Also your father." He replies.

Melody is shook, she almost fell down the chair as soon as she hears that. Luckily her father prevents her from falling.

"But why am I on earth if I was your daughter?" She asks.

"There has been some circumstances on why I put you down here. I'll explain it when you're ready." Ramiel replies.

"But, I am ready. I even get my heavenly birth certificate. If that's not saying something I don't know how to prove to you that I'm ready for the truth." Melody replies.

"I will explain to you on your way there. For now, I have to go." Ramiel answers before disappearing before her eyes.

Melody or Amethyst sighs as she puts the letters back into the envelope and went on with her day in hopes her biological father would explain to her at some point on why she's on eath and her identity. All she knows from birth is that she's born from Ariel and Eric Hall yet turns out she's the descendant of Ramiel, the angel of kindness. She probably needs to lay down as soon as she gets home. Meanwhile, Ramiel has return to heaven. All of his friend surround him and questions him as soon as he's there.

"Did you tell her?" Uriel asks.

"I can't. I don't think she's ready." Ramiel replies.

"She literally just got her heavenly birth certificate and her letter to Nocte ac Die. If that's not ready I don't know what is." Gabriel said sarcastically.

"Whoa, tone down the sass there, my friend!" Laughs Mikhael. "but as Gabriel said, I'm sure she's ready. She was given the invitation to that school and mind you, that school is for angels and demons only." Mikhael said to Ramiel, returning to his serious state.

"Maybe you're right. I should have told her. But I promised her to tell her on her way there. I'm sure she understands." Ramiel said.

"That's okay. Take your time, I'm sure she'll understand." Azrael said.

"Thank you, my friend." Ramiel nods, giving the patience angel a smile. 

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