O4 : The Amethyst Necklace

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Melody hears every step that creature takes but she tries to ignore and sleep because she has had enough of the demons or anyone intruding her house this early. It's 2 a.m for goodness sake and it's just three days after she receives the letter. But what to avail, she sees a creature with four hands and four legs, just like a spider. Melody pretends like she can't see it but she hears a low, scary voice from the creature,

"I know you can see me, descendant of Ramiel..."

Melody still ignores it and tries to get some sleep. She prays in her heart that her father, any angel of God Himself would help me but before she can say amen, this spider-like creature is getting closer and closer.

'Get away from me! I need my sleep! Please...' Melody begs in her heart but the creature seems to hear her and gets even closer. Melody closes her eyes for any impact but before this spider-like demon can touch her, his hands gets burned instantly by the necklace she's wearing making the demon screech in fear and stick itself to the wall and runs away, just like a spider.

After the demon escaped, she sits on her bed both confused and scared. She looks down on her glowing amethyst necklace.

"Is that why the demons run off and begs mercy from me?" She asks to no one.

Just in time, a bright prescience appears in her room again. Melody can't seem to look at the light because she is still indeed in her human form.

"Don't be scared, little one. It's me." Ramiel said.

"Father..." She mutters, trying to look at the light but it's still so bright.

"Ah yes, the light is too bright for your human eyes. I suggest transforming into an angel, my dear." Ramiel suggests.

Melody nods as she transforms into her angel form. A golden tiara appears on her head, golden wings pops up and she's now wearing a flowing beautiful white dress. With her angel eyes she can see her father more clearly despite the light.

"Oh, I never knew my father looks exactly like those paintings." She comments.

"Focus, my dear." Ramiel scolds her softly. Melody or now Amethyst focuses on her father's explanation.

"That necklace was given to you when we send you to earth, it was for protection so that no one can harm you, not a slightest bit." Ramiel explains.

"Ah, no wonder that spider-like demon can't touch me and Lewiatan begs me for mercy." Melody said.

"That's right, but you can't always depend on it. There are also demons who are immune to such holy things. You must be careful." Ramiel replies.

"I will, father." Melody said.

"Good, I will return now." Ramiel bids her goodbye and returns to his place, in heaven. 

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