O7 : Settling In

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Amethyst and the other angels are looking at the bulletin boards to see their names. Turns out she's rooming with Unity, the daughter of Uriel.

"Hey, Unity!" She calls. "we're roommates!"

"We are? I haven't seen the list. It's so crowded." Unity answers.

"Turns out we are. I even take a picture of it." Amethyst said, showing it from her phone.

"Oh yeah, you're right. Should we settle in? Or do we wait for Angel Hale's guidance?" Unity asks confusedly.

"It's better to ask her, actually." Amethyst replies. Unity nods in agreement as they approach their dorm adviser about it.

"Miss, should we settle in or are there more things that we should do?" Amethyst asks.

"Oh, not to worry! You can settle in. There's no school today. There is a one week orientation schedule for tomorrow as you can see in your schedules." Angel Hale answers.

"I see... Thank you, Miss Hale." Amethyst replies.

After knowing that, the angel kids are settled in their dorms. Amethyst rooms with Unity, Cherry is roomed with Rose, Matthew with Gregory, Simon with Ethan, son of Ezekiel who is the archangel of death and transformation.

Meanwhile on the other building, the demon kids are also settled in with their dorm but Raven, the son of Leviathan hears his father's voice in the back of his head.

"Your enemy is in this campus, beware." The voice said.

Raven rolls his eyes and just whispers a yes to his father's voice before settling in with his roommate William.

"Well we're roomies now." Raven said casually, offering his hand for a handshake but his hands got smack away by Satan's son. Raven is bewildered. What happen to them being allies?

"Rude much?" He mutters before going to the wardrobe to put his clothes but instead he got smacked by a shoe from the rude demon kid.

"What is your problem?! I get it you have anger issues like you dad! But is it necessary to use your anger on me?! your ally?!" Raven shouts, getting riled up.

"There it is." William chuckles. "anyways, I'm William. Son of Satan."

"Figured that one out." Raven replies sarcastically. "did you hear the voice behind your head telling you that the enemy in this building?"

"It's not whispering, it's scolding me." William replies. "it's saying "IF YOU DON'T GET HER I'LL SHOVE LAVA INTO YOUR THROAT." yeah, you do the math."

"Quite harsh for a father." Raven said. "but you do you, Satan." he adds.

Back to Die tower, Amethyst sees her necklace glows signaling her danger is about to come, turns out Unity's hair clip is glowing too.

"Oh no...." Amethyst mutters.

"Oh no indeed." Unity nods, glancing at the entrance of the dorm building 

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