O6 : Dormitory Divisions

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As soon as they arrive, they see a female angel and a half-goat demon stands in front of the school entrance. Everyone has got off the bus except for Brian, the descendant of Belphegor. William and Jace, who is the descendant of Lucifer groans in frustration.

"Wake up, you lazy creature." Jace said coldly.

But Brian keeps on sleeping until everyone hears a crash from the window. Turns out Brian got thrown out with Jace, catching him fast with a smug smirk on his face.

"I'm guessing that Lucifer's son..." Gregory grumbles sighing.

"And probably Belphegor's son that got yeeted out the bus." Matthew adds. "that poor guy, all he wants is just some sleep."

"But at the same time, we're in school. He's not supposed to sleep." Gregory scoffs.

"Everyone! Pay attention!" Angel Hale, their teacher and dorm adviser exclaims.

The angel kids of course comply and quiets down but the demon kids are not listening to her. Brian is still asleep, Scarlet, the descendant of Beelzebub is still eating her chocolate bar, Jace doesn't think there's a need to listen to her while William is still fuming because Brian is beside him and asleep. Before suddenly a loud voice can be heard from behind Mr. Baphomet.

"EVERYONE QUITE DOWN!" not only a voice, but there's also fire everywhere and the demons kids are scared for life.

"Thank you, Satan." Angel Hale with a bright smile as Satan rolls his eyes and returns back to Hell, making a big hole on the floor.

"Miss, are you gonna fix that?" Gregory asks awkwardly.

"Oh don't worry, we'll fix it soon." Angel Hale replies with a smile. "as I was saying, you guys will be divided into your dorms. There are two types of dorm for the angels and two types of dorms for the demons. Mr. Baphomet will be explaining the demon side. Come on, little angels! Let's go explore your dormitory!" She continues cheerfully.

So here they are in a beautiful building. It has beautiful golden pillars and beautiful wooden door with golden knobs. She opens the doors and there are already angels who are supposedly their teacher. They also hear classical music from the building.

"This place is beautiful..." Amethyst comments, really impress by the environment.

"Before I start, welcome to Nocte ac Die academy. In this school you will be trained to be the best version of yourself. To be the kindest angel, the most patience angel and so much more skills. For the dormitory division, you can see them in the bulletin board right there. Not to worry, you don't need to rush! We provide five boards so you can see your names." Angel Hale said before the kids went to separate boards to see their names.

Meanwhile somewhere in hell, we see Leviathan looking at this portal with Lucifer and Satan beside him.

"Did you see her?" He asks.

"I do, she's the one with the brown hair and mostly blue clothes. She's the shortest though so I can't figure her out completely. It gets anno-"

"Before you get angry, please use those anger at the people who got in hell. We don't want you burning our portal!" Lucifer scolds.

"Yes, brother." Satan replies as he goes on his merry way to torture the souls who are in hell. While he's torturing the humans, Leviathan looks at the portal again before finding a girl looking onto the bulletin board.

"Bingo!" He said with a smirk. "time to contact him."

"And I'll contact Jace to finish them all off. Then I'll rule both heaven and hell and be God himself." Lucifer replies before laughing evilly and got smack by a magma stone thrown by Satan.


"That's your fault for having sensitive EARS." Lucifer retorts sarcastically while Leviathan just rolls his eyes at this acquaintances arguing.   

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