O5 : First day of School

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Ever since knowing about the necklace, Amethyst feels saver. Turns out both of her angel friends, Gregory and Matthew have protective accessories too. Gabriel has an silver anklet while Matthew has a golden bracelet on his left hand. Their protective accessories doesn't any stones or necessary decoration but during attacks it'd glow to protect them, like a barrier. Speaking of which, the day to settle in the dorms have come. Amethyst bids her adoptive parents goodbye, we can see Eric holding Ariel close to him since she's being emotional about her daughter going to a boarding school.

"I'll write everyday!" Amethyst exclaims.

"And we'll write back! Have fun in your new school, kiddo!" Eric replies, waving to his daughter as she gets into a bus, to get to her new school. Ariel though is still crying proudly as she waves to her daughter.

After bidding her parents goodbye, she settles in the bus, sitting beside Matthew. She feels a dark aura on the left side of the bus though. It seems that the people sitting on the left side are from the demon side. She can also see her amethyst necklace glows, signaling her that they are dangerous.

"So, new school huh?" Matthew said.

"Yeah, is it scary? I mean we usually go to human school." Amethyst whispers.

"Oh it's not that scary." A boy replies behind them.

"Gregory!" They exclaim.

"Hey." He greets them. "It's about time you two settle in with the angel-demon school." he adds.

"Yeah, especially her." Matthew replies. "her necklace keeps on glowing." he adds.

"So is my anklet. It's like sending us signals that those guys on the left are bad news." Gregory said before getting his head smacked by a shoe.


"And who are you?" Gregory retorts with sass, throwing the shoe back to the person.

"Let me guess, demon of wrath?" Amethyst guesses.

"Huh, a smart angel." The demon replies. "if you know, you should stay in your lane." he adds.

"I am! I am staying in my lane." Amethyst answers. "I didn't do anything to you, did I?"

"William, that's enough. It's not worth it." Another voice said. "and I'm pretty sure they're boring too. Oh let's be good and be plane Jane." he mocks.

"Watch your mouth!" Matthew scolds.

"Guys, that's enough!" a girl scolds them. "don't give in."

"Uhm, angel too?" Matthew awkwardly asks.

"Rose, descendant of Azael." She replies with a soft smile. "hello to you too, Gregory." she greets Gregory.

"Good morning." Gregory replies with a chuckle.

They decide to ignore the demons as they talk more about their duties as an angel. More students are coming in, one of them is Cherry the descendant of Rafael, angel of Humility. Everyone doesn't seem to pay attention since they're more focus on their things until Amethyst realized they're sitting on a three chaired seat. So she calls Cherry out to sit with them.

"Hey, come and sit with us." she said.

"O-oh, thank you!" Cherry said, accepting the offer and sits with them.

"Okay where were we?" Gregory asks. "oh yeah, we need to find more of our kind to make an ally and I suppose you found one." he said.

"Found what?" Cherry asks confusedly.

"Another archangel descendant." Gregory replies. "I suppose you're Cherry right? Descendant of Rafael? Angel of humility?" he asks.

"I am, how did you know?" She asks.

"It's on your name tag." He chuckles.

They proceed to talk about so many things until they see a bright light coming from the center of the bus. They all look away cause it's too bright, even the demons. They can hear a female voice coming from it,

"Everyone, especially angels. I suggest you to transform into your angel selves since it's more save that way. Besides your human eyes can't see me, your teacher." she said.

The angel kids sigh as they transform to their angel form. Now it's the demon's turn to look away because it's too bright for their eyes since all the angels are glowing in bright light.

"Ah that's so much better. Now I will read your names. If you're hear yell 'present'" The female angel said.

The angel starts to read every single one of their names as they angel kids yell present,






"Present, ma'am!" Gregory exclaims earning a tut from the demon side, some calling him 'teacher's pet' or 'attention seeker' but Gregory ignores them.




"Present," Rose said softly before getting told to speak loudly so she tries again until the other angels need to step in and tell them that she's there.




There's no answer. The female angel calls again until they hear a knock from the bus. It was a girl and a boy trying to get in. The angel tells the driver to open the bus and turns out it was Unity who's late and a demon student. After that, the angel proceeds to call the others and gives the list to the demon side for their teacher to handle. Turns out, the late boy was on the demon side and this makes the archangel squad concern for Unity in so many ways. 

The Angel of Kindnessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें