Philza forgets stuff :)

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m a n its been a while i can explain why im not posting on my main not now later

Third POV. (Point Of View)

It was the next day 

Philza thinks he cooked breakfast this time 

He's not really sure

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm he goes (ME GUSTA ME GUSTA)

i think i cooked breakfast 

hold up

did i leave the fridge open

o h

y e a h

u h

Philza decided


Techno probably closed it


did he also close the fire


he think he did

he's not really sure


he's pretty sure

that techno

closed it

y e a h

after long hours of work

he's goes back home

when get arrives at home

u h

half of his house


is ice

the other side

is burnt

techno didn't close it


he was frozen 

when the others


m a n

philza closed the fridge

philza closed the cook

Hi im dora the explora do you know what i have to do next?

:D yes

watch tv

phil opened the tv

he started watching

dora the explora

and techno

was watching the whole thing


he started cringing 

of how bad it was


philza went to bed

he slept in bed

he was to tall


he had to get two blankets

when he woke up

tommy was there

tommy started chanting shit


he summoned a demon

he and the demon

killed philza

and u h

ate him

 and then

techno killed them

tommy couldn't kill techno


technoblade never dies kids

the end




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