Sam x Redstone (Part 2 Or Something)

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:D This was requested by u h- Akatozasa

Y e a h... I think I spelled it right- (Go check them out, they gave us the whole story-)

O k a y

S o -

I'm gonna write the heading-

And author 2 is gonna write the other half-

10/10 explanation

A n d

After the first encounter some things happened-


It was a great morning because Sam finally got a girl, and he was going on a date with her!


I know.

He dumped Ponk.

I'm upset as well ; - ;


He was gonna go get his girl, Redstone, and they were gonna walk to that spot that they arranged.

It was somewhere near Sam's base (I actually have no idea where is his base and I watch all of his streams, damn I'm stupid, time to google-)

Sam was a few minutes late because he had to get food from his base.

So the conversation went like this:

Sam: Sorry for being late.

Sam's hot babe (aka. Redstone): It's okay, I know you're busy and you got a lot of stuff to do.

Sam: Cool, thanks!

Hot af Redstone: Shall we settle down for our picnic?


Redstone: I brought some wine with me too, I don't think you mind, right?

Sam: Nah, I don't. I guess I deserve a break at the end of the day.

Sam and his hot gf had a nice evening together, taking cute couple pics together, eating and sharing stories, but they were joking around mostly.

Unlike his hot ass girlfriend, Sam was more serious and rarely made an effort to have fun or go for a night out. So seeing him more playful and energetic was weird. But after maybe finishing half the bottle o' wine they were both feeling a bit tipsy. Especially Sam, he hadn't drank any kind of alcohol in ages. So he got quite drunk after drinking such a large amount.

Now, Sam wasn't the person to do stupid or childish things, but he seemed and acted wasted, he laughed at everything and couldn't really control himself anymore.

Redstone was having a good time too. She wasn't as drunk as her boyfriend, so she could carry (or drive idk-) the two back to Sam's base.

(Author 1 writing time-)

Yea h



When they got to Sam's base

And they got on the bed

And did the thing


(guess what it was)
Y'know what I'm not telling you-

It could be sleeping or seggs-

And that's how george and quakcity became to be-

Y e a h

Dreamsmp has no biology (I also got this from Akatozasa Check them out)


TH ATS IT C O O L. :) Editor's note: please like and comment we worked hard on this please I'm begging-

Cursed Mcyt Oneshots :)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon