Haha We Messed Up Big Time - Zomboblade/Tech6d

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Author 1 & 2 :D

Zomboblade, Idea given from @galaxyniku2019 on instagram-


Technoblade and his boyfriend A6D were bickering, again, but this time though Techno couldn't stand breathing the same air as the other, so he went to a strip club. Techno walked in and immediately saw a zombie pole dancing right in front of him. The Zombie was hot and sexy so they had sex and then Technoblade got pregnant. After Techo went to the hospital with the Zombie, he gave birth to a baby zombie piglin.
They decided to name the child Michael. The Zombie promised to pay for child support, but the next day Techno went back to the strip club, to see the Zombie passionately hugging another man.

Techno was mad (hoez mad) and sad, so he went back to A6D and they got engaged.
Tubbo asked if he could adopt Michael, and Techno said yes. Zombie finds out Techno gave his child away and brings his friend to go stab Techno.
Unluckily, Techno didn't notice Zombie's friend and got stabbed in the kneecaps. A6D brought his fiance to hospital and Zombie followed them there. Once there, Zombie punched A6D in the gut and tried to kill Techno, but the Blood God wanted revenge so he commited arson in the hospital. The Zombie was burnt alive and the Zombies friend beat up A6D and killed him. Zombie's friend escaped the fire and did a ritual to revive the Zombie and they lived happily ever after. Until A6D came back from the dead and murdered them both, by choking them with a baguette.

The end :)

Author 1's note: I didn't write this, and the @galaxyniku2019 is another guy we hired for ideas, they gave us where michael came from, then i looked at a Micheal Jackson's Music vid to get the rest of the ideas, its amazing

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