Rumbles in 1-A

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Izuku's pov: (after story events)

After having to leave U.A, you would think this would be the end, or you would think that I would be in limbo.

However this simply wasn't the case, especially considering I still had so much to solve. No one else was going to help regain Kami's memories, especially most people in 1-A, out of fear of their own safety.

Speaking of 1-A, I was absolutely sure there was something else going on in the background. The sudden shift in attitudes towards me, after what had transpired, was...odd.

No matter. I had bigger things to deal with. But first, I had to make my way to Mr Fudo's place and then head to the hospital.

Early or not, I still owed mother a visit. Out of everyone, she deserved to know my next steps.

Kami must have read my mind, because he commented with hesitance.

Kami - "Izuku are you sure you are going to go through with your idea? The risks are high with this."

Izuku - "What U.A haven't realised is that I'm exposed to the leauge of supremacy, and seeing that I have a bounty on my head now, they are going to come for me. Even if I back out, I'm not out of the woods. I might as well stay in the forest fire."

Kami - "True...well for what it's worth. It's worth a shot."

I knew it was, after all my options were supposed limited. Well, not in the sense of what to do, but in the sense of how to continue on.

The leauge clearly know something about Kami, and they clearly have interest in whatever this "Darkroe" was. I needed the leauge of supremacy, and the leauge of supremacy needed me.

At the time I could never have predicted to learn as much as I did during this time, and I certainly could never have forseen this. But this would be the start of something...something big.

Here is how the cookie began to crumble

Izuku Midoriya

(A/N - let me know if I should do more of these diary entry style intros at the beginning of some chapters.)
Momo's pov: (Back to present events)

At that split moment, when Izuku was told to leave, I realised just how cruel life really is.

Someone I admired deeply and considered my most valuable friend, had gotten his opportunity to show his talent stripped away because of an incident out of his control. For a school which seemed so proud at the talent it produced over the years, I certainly found this extremely unfair. Izuku, whilst extremely talented, was still a teenager, not a full grown adult, and he still had room to nurture and improve.

And yet, they never considered that fact.

I must have shown my anger on my face, as everyone began to look at me.

Nezu - "Yaoyorozu, are yo-"

Momo - "Save it. Please. I do not need you to ask about my well being. Not after what you all decided."

Iida - "Yaoyorozu this is for our own-"

Momo - "SAFETY!? You're talking about safety!? So instead of helping Izuku control this mysterious power, you get shaken by the prospect of its power, and decide to leave him... LEAVING HIM OPEN NOW FOR THAT LEAUGE TO ATTACK HIM IN THE OPEN!? WHAT KIND OF FRIENDS ARE YOU!?" *tears up*

Todoroki - "There is no point trying to defend him and keeping him stay if he's jeopardising us all. Besides he used an illegal card, and we don't have space for people like that in this school."

Momo - " could you say that...WHEN YOU WOULDN'T BE HERE BECAUSE OF HIM!? All of you, would not be standing here, but instead we would all be in the clutches of the leauge of supremacy. Because of him, we still have this opportunity to become what we've always wanted to be, and this is how we repay him!?"

It became too much. What both if them said. I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. Mina pulled me in for a hug as I sobbed on her shoulder.

Tokoyami - "You know, I find it incredibly suspicious that the two people that have a grudge on Izuku are hell bent on trying to get rid of him."


Shoji - "But it does change things... After all Todoroki weren't you the one who suggested this idea of cheating?!"

Aizawa - *turns to Enji angrily* - "And wasn't it you that suggested this whole cheater idea well?!

It then clicked with Momo, Aizawa, Nerumi and Hizashi.


Nezu - "ENOUGH!"

Everyone calmed down and looked towards Nezu.

Nezu - "Having looked at multiple different viewpoints, I'm going to have to rethink this. There is a lot going on in recent time and so we all need more time to process the information clearly. Therefore I'm extending this break to 2 weeks. The duel festival will be held after the two weeks so prepare for that. I would also like everyone to rethink the situation here. And Shoto and Enji, please rethink your grudge. Izuku is not Hisashi. Anyway that's all. Everyone get back to what they were doing."

He then left the room, as did the other staff members except Aizawa, Hizashi and Nerumi.

Nerumi - "Mic. You should prepare for you lesson with 1-B. I'll take care of Aizawa."

Mic nodded and solemnly walked off, deeply concerned for both his friend and Izuku.

Aizawa - *solemnly* "You all just stay silent and read a book. Prepare your decks. Do anything you want. Just no arguing...please."

The majority of the class got back to what they were doing, but Momo instead went up to ask Aizawa something.

Momo - "Aizawa sensei...can you please tell me about Izuku's father?"

Aizawa - *suprised* "Oh? How come your interested?"

Momo - "I can still reach out to Izuku...and he's always wanted to know about him. I can still help him learn's the least I can do after all of this..." *looks down*

Aizawa - *sigh* "Alright...Besides you deserve to know as well. You're very close to him."

Nerumi - "Shota are you sure?"

Aizawa - "Yeah Nem...I'm sure." *turns back to Momo* "Let me tell you, about Hisashi Midoriya..."

To be continued

Yeah. Things are getting rough as we are approaching the sports festival. Not the smoothest if chapters but a necessary one nonetheless. Next chapter we will be looking at what Izuku is doing during all of this, as the two weeks before the "sports" festival begin.

As usual vote and comment if you enjoyed. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

With that
Stay safe and I'll see y'all next time
Bye for now :) 

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