The strength of Bonds

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This is just gonna be pure emotion people. You might see what's coming. Without further ado let's get this show on the road!"
Narrator's pov:

Izuku brought Momo inside and together they made their way towards the deck builder, where Yusei and Kami were awaiting.

On the way, Izuku realised 2 things.

One: Izuku was going to have to tell Momo about his game plan at some point today, as well as telling his mother. He mentally cursed thinking about how that conversation was potentially going to go.

Two (and most noticeably): Momo was holding Izuku's hand, quite tightly in fact. This left Izuku with a tint of red on his face, but even despite his slight embarrassment he found comfort with it. After all he and Momo had grown so close over their time in UA.


Momo was looking at her deck during lunchtime, thinking about what improvements she could make to her deck.

Momo then felt a hand around her waist, and slightly jumped.

As she was pondering over what to add and what to remove, turns out Izuku came from behind.

Izuku - "Momo are you okay?" *concerned*

Izuku - "Momo are you okay?" *concerned*

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Momo - "I-Izuku!?"

Izuku - "Hm?" *then realises and pulls back his hand* "Oh my God I'm so sorry I didn't mean to put my hand there and make you uncomfortab-!"

Momo - "No its fine Izuku...I kinda like it. It's comforting." *puts it back on her waist*

Izuku - "Are you okay?" *worried*

Momo - *sigh* "I look at everyone and their decks are just so much more sophisticated and unique and powerful. You are leaps and bounds beyond everyone in terms of deck mastery. I just feel like I'm not doing enough." *looking down*

Izuku - "Don't be like that. You are a very intelligent girl and you shouldn't discredit yourself for this. Come on, let me help you work on your deck."

Momo - *blushes but smiles* "Sure."

Even if they didn't acknowledge it, Izuku's arm was still wrapped around her waist, and neither of them minded...

They really had come a long way from when they first met. Sure they were always close almost from the start. Izuku hoped this would only grow more, as did Momo, but of course without either one of them knowing what the other thought. But they were content with how they were now, with such a strong friendship, even if they may have wanted something more.

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