Incident at the turbo track - A duel of life and death commences

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[Previously, on Yu Gi Oh!]

Kami- "B-but h-how..." *realises* "WAIT I REMEMBER NOW!"


Kami- "That man with the hand mask...he was that lab!"

Izuku- "WHAT!? Are you absolutely positive!?"

Shigaraki- "Ahhhh so the puppy remembers me! How I feel so warmed...tell you what, I'm feeling nice today. I was originally going to kill all of you and draw out Toshinori Yagi from his shadows, but I have a far more entertaining idea."

Izuku- "Cut to the chase! What do you want?"

Shigaraki- "You obviously want answers right I propose we duel. If you win, you will get some of the answers the two of you desire. But if I win...You will lose not only information...but your very soul!"


Narrator's pov :

Shigaraki- "So then, what it's gonna be?"

Izuku- "..."

Shirakagi- "Well?"

Izuku- "Kami...Shigaraki! You're on!"

Most of class 1-A was left bewildered at the choice

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Most of class 1-A was left bewildered at the choice.

Kami- "Come on Izuku think this through, please it's not worth it!"

Aizawa- "Kid no! This is beyond your element! Let me duel him!"

Izuku- "No sensei...this is every bit of my element...if Kami is involved then I will duel no matter what! His memories are on the line and I'm not about to give the chance up! I would be doing a diservice to him as a friend."


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