Shower Scene

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Summary: Eda pushes Serkan to tell her the truth while expressing her feelings for him.

A/N: Inspiration struck again and I had to write it down.

The water pelted down on it, soaking their clothes and hitting their skin, Eda felt her hair plastering against her neck but she didn't care.

Her hands gripped Serkan's arms, feeling the strong muscles beneath the wet fabric of his shirt. Her nails dug in as she pressed herself closer, his face inches from her, she could feel his hot breath on her cheeks, his eyes dark with emotion.

Serkan's eyes flick repeatedly down to her lips and he brought his mouth close enough to brush his against hers.

"You will not kiss me until you tell me the truth. I know there's is something you are not telling me." Eda said firmly, trying not to let his close proximity sway her from her goal.

She came here not only for Serkan but for the truth. She wasn't leaving without it.

"Once you know you won't want me to ever kiss you again. You won't want me in your life."

Eda licked her lips. "When you drive me mad I want you near, even when you make me feel like I hate you, I want you to kiss me. Always."

"Promise me," He gripped her hips, yanking her against him until there was nothing between them but their wet clothes. "Promise me, even when you hate me, you'll still want me. Promise me, you will always want me to kiss, promise me, you will always want me near you. Please, promise me, this one thing."

The intensity of his words had a shiver coursing through her and she pushed against him, her hands slid up his arms slowly, one curling around his neck and the other cupping his jaw. "I promise this, Serkan Bolat, I cannot picture a life without you, I can't imagine not loving you as much as I do. Before you, I didn't know it was possible to want someone, to love someone as much as I do you."

Serkan lifted a hand to her cheek, caressing it tenderly. "Okay, I'll tell you." He swallowed thickly.

Eda waited her breath held in anticipation as Serkan pressed forward, his head against her as he took a deep breath, preparing himself to speak the words of truth he could no longer hold back.

A/N: Did I really leave it there? Yes, yes I did. I might be a little evil.

On the Bright side, this might be another one I might expand on. 

P.S. I wrote this one before the episode aired. 

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