Don't Let Your Star Die Out Part 2

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Summary: Serkan and Eda make up for lost time. Eda confronts Serkan's father

A/N: I thought the last chapter deserved a second chapter so here we are. This is my longest Edser chapter yet.


It's not all smut but there is smut. If that's not something you want to read I advise you to skip past it.

Also, I started writing this before it was revealed that Serkan moved into one of ArtLife's Apartments and before Eda found out the truth. 

"Are you sure about this?" Eda asked, worrying her bottom lip as she sits on the edge of her hospital bed.

Serkan stepped forward and cupped her tilting her head up toward him. "I had to argue with your aunt and the girls but I finally got them to agree. I'm not going to back out now."

"But you have work." Eda protested. "You need to be at the office, I -"

"I need to be wherever you are." Serkan corrected with a smile. "And you need to be resting and I promise you can do that quite perfectly in my home."

"Which home?" Eda asked, cause she really could not deal with his parents.

She had been in the hospital for almost a week and was now being discharged under the condition that she would be cared for at home. However, Eda, would not be able to face Serkan's parents until she was stronger. Only then could she confront them about her parent's death.

"My home away from my parents. I moved out of my place with them." Serkan told her.

Eda looked at him in surprise. "Did you move out because of me?"

"I moved out because I no longer want to see my father." Serkan brushed her hair back. "I want nothing to do with him anymore."

"Serkan, he's your father, you can't cut him out of your life." Eda protested. She didn't want to defend Alptekin but she didn't want Serkan to lose his relationship with his father.

"How can you say that?" Serkan wondered. "Aren't you angry?"

"I am but I know what it's like not to have your parents in your life. I don't want the same for you." Eda replied.

Serkan shook his head. "How can you be so selfless?"

Eda smiled and reached up curling her hand around his neck, tugging her down to his level. She pressed her lips to his softly.

Serkan pressed closer, cupping her face tenderly, his lips pressing back against hers.


Eda pulled away from Serkan, flushing as her Doctor walked in with her released forms followed by a nurse wheeling in a wheelchair.

"Is the wheelchair necessary?" Eda wondered. "I can walk just fine."

"Yes, you should not exert yourself early on." her doctor answered. "It's important that you don't do anything to sabotage your recovery. Furthermore, I would like to go over instructions for home care. Now, this is very important."

"She will do exactly as you say." Serkan took Eda's hand in his. "I will make sure of it."

"Good," her doctor said, he looked between them. "First, as I said she mustn't overexert herself." his eyes flickered between the two of them pointedly. "That means no strenuous activity. Especially with a partner."

Eda's eyes widened, her face heating in embarrassment.

She looked up at Serkan to see him, awkwardly rubbing at his neck, avoiding eye contact as he said. "Understood."

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