You're Family

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A/N: I do not own the characters, I just love Edser and enjoy playing in their sandbox. 

I'm slowly transferring my fics from another sight to hear. So if you read it before on another platform that is why. 

"I should get going," Eda started gathering her things sweeping her phone into her purse, and pulling on her jean jacket.

"Why?" Serkan asked, tugging her purse out of her hands, and wrapping an arm around her waist, tugging her into his body. He sweeps her hair back, his fingers trailing across her jaw. "Stay. We can have dinner together. I'll cook."

Eda tilted her head back enjoying his touch, as she rests her hand over his chest feeling the way his heart pounded a little bit faster against the palm of her hand.

She secretly loved the way her closeness could increase his heart rate and raise his pulse.

"You have dinner with your parents tonight." Eda reminded.

"Right, you can still go with me," Serkan leaned forward pressing a kiss against her cheek, then lower, his lips brushing her jawline as he moved to her neck.

He had just pressed his lips against her pulse point when she told him. "Your mother made it quite clear earlier that it was a family dinner and I'm not family."

Serkan frowned, pulling back to stare at her with a confused look. "What are you talking about? Of course, you're family."

"I'm not. Not really. Not to your mother." Eda said. She looked away from Serkan.

In truth, it hadn't bothered her that Aydan didn't like her when she and Serkan were only pretending to be engaged but now that things were real and had been for a while it was different.

But it seemed like Aydan's feelings toward her still had not changed. In Aydan's eyes, she was unfit to be a part of their family. In Aydan's eyes, her son could do much better than a flower girl.

"You are to me," Serkan interjected strongly, he cupped her face in his hands. "Eda, we're building something here. You, Sirius, me, we are a family. My family. I don't care if no one else agrees."

Warmth spread across Eda's chest at his sweet words, her heart fluttering. Even though his words were exactly what she wanted to hear, it wasn't that simple.

"Serkan, we're not just talking about anyone. We're talking about your mother. She's your family, too.

"I know that," His thrumb brush across her cheekbone. "And my mother should know that she does not get a say in who I love. Who I build my life with. In time she will come to be happy for me, for us. One day she is going to realize how amazing you are."

"How can you be so sure?" Eda murmured.

"You're like the powerful ocean tide coming in, sweeping everything up in your path and taking it with you. I don't believe there is a soul that won't come to love you. Like I love you."

Eda smiled, taking his hands from her face and wrapped them around her waist, pressing her body against his. "My sweet romantic robot."

Serkan laughed and pulled her in for a kiss.

Eda surrender to his mouth moving against hers.

When he broke their kiss she chased his lips with her own.

"Come to dinner with me? Until my mother comes around you can have your fun by driving her crazy." he smiled something wicked with the suggestion.

Eda smiled. "Okay, I'll come to dinner."

"Good," Serkan brought his lips to her cheek. "I plan on us building a life together and I know you are more than capable of handling my mother and anything she throws your way."

Eda grinned, turning her head and captured his lips into a heated kiss, his arms tightened around her, crushing her to his chest in the best way.

He was right. She could handle anything but she was glad she wouldn't have to do it alone.

She had Serkan and that was more than enough. 

A/N: I wrote this before Eda started liking Eda. 

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