Shattered Hearts

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Summary: Eda isn't feeling well, she collapses and Serkan breaks down in front of the ArtLife team.

A/N: This idea came from @Bluedovewings, and I thank her for letting me run with it. 

Eda watched the hot liquid pour into a cup. It was strange being here when she and Serkan were no longer together. However, Art-Life was having some renovations done at the office, and Serkan and Efe decided that they would work from the Bolat property.

Everywhere she turned, there were memories of her and Serkan and the time they spent together. The sweet moments they shared.

Her heart clenched as she remembered them cooking together right where she was standing, his arms wrapped around her.

Eda jumped when she felt something pressing against her legs, she looked down to see Sirius pressing against her, tilting his head back, practically begging for her attention.

Eda smiled and knelt behind the counter. "Hey Sirius," Eda scratched behind his ears and through his fur. "Did you miss me? I've missed you too," She leaned her forehead against his head with an affectionate smile.

Serkan had secluded himself away from the others, working from inside his home at his desk. He couldn't help but keep Eda in his sights at all times so when she suddenly wasn't there he was on his feet in an instant, walking out to join the others.

"Where's Eda?" the tone of his voice was sharp.

Eda pulled away from Sirius, she thought about staying where she was. Why should Serkan care where she was? It was no longer his business what she did.

"She was just here a moment ago," Layla answered, clutching a folder to her chest. "Should I go and look for her Mr. Serkan?"

Eda sighed and stood up. "There's no need. I haven't gone anywhere."

Eda placed her hand on her stomach as it churned painfully. She breathed out slowly willing the feeling away.

She much preferred making Serkan wonder where she went but she didn't want Layla to go looking for her when she was right there.

She met Serkan gaze across the space that separated them, watching the way he swallowed at the sight of her.

She wanted to yell at him, he was looking at her like her presence was the only thing that mattered to him. He had no right to look at her that way.

She hated it. He was sending out so many mixed signals.

He claimed he ended things because work was his priority but then why was he focusing on her every chance he got when he should be working.

Eda looked away from him, grabbing her cup she walked back around the counter and retook her seat with the others, reaching for a folder.

Serkan watched her for a moment. The space between them was physically and emotionally exhausting when all he wanted was to take her in his arms and stay like that for as long as possible.

A whine rumbled nearby and he looked down to Sirius who was now sitting at his feet, staring up at him with distressed eyes. Like he could feel the emotions Serkan was trying his hardest not to show. "C'mon, boy," Serkan led Sirius away from everyone returning to his work station and watching Eda through the glass.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 

Eda ran her hand through her hair. Her head was pounding and the voices of the others while not overly loud wasn't helping. She looked over her shoulder, meeting Serkan's gaze through the glass.

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