Opening Hearts

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Summary: Eda makes it clear to Serkan that she could never let him go

A/N: Canon related and I've been working on this since before the latest episode.

Smut Warning near the end of the chapter.

Thanks to @bluedovewings for helping me name the fic.

"The person you can give up so easily in this life is me?"

It hurt to hear the words come from him, made worse by the tight smile as he looked at her.

"No. I didn't mean it like that," Eda protested, shaking her head.

"No, I understand perfectly." Serkan stood. No matter what he did, no matter how open he was, nothing was different.

Eda watched him start to walk away, and she followed after him, grabbing his hand. "Serkan."

Serkan turned, pulling from her grip. "No matter how much I try it's never gonna be enough, is it?"

Eda tried to hide the hurt that he had pulled away from her. "What?"

"I've been trying so hard to be the kind of man you would want, to change for you and be someone worthy of you but it's never gonna be enough."

Tears filled Eda's eyes, wetting her lashes. "No, you're wrong."

How could he believe something so far from the truth?

"No, I'm not. After everything that's happened, it's never gonna be enough for you." Serkan swallowed the ball of emotion that rose in his throat. "I'm not enough for you."

"Stop!" The tears escaped from her eyes, traveling down her cheeks. "Stop, Serkan."

Eda surged forward grabbing his face in her hands, her body pressed against his, startling him.

"Eda, don't. I'm tired. I'm tired of constantly putting my heart on the line just for it to be discarded." Serkan tried to step away from her but Eda refused to let him go.

"Then let me protect it," Eda's voice was a plea,

Serkan stopped, his eyes locking on hers. "Eda," his voice cracked, his lip trembling on her name.

"You're right. You've put your heart on the line again and again. I haven't been the most receptive but not because I don't feel the same. At first, I was trying to process the truth and your reasoning behind keeping the truth from me. Trying to rationalize everything in my head and when I finally did, it hit me like a storm."

"What did?" Serkan was no longer trying to pull away from her but he wasn't reaching for her either.

"Fear. When you broke up with me I was so heartbroken, destroyed. No one has held that kind of power over me before and you broke me so easily."

"Eda.." Serkan said her name with so much remorse. "I was trying to protect you. I never wanted to hurt you."

Eda closed her eyes and nodded. "I know." she exhaled shakily and opened her eyes. "I know. But I don't want to feel that way away again. I'm afraid I won't be able to survive it."

Serkan finally reached out cupping her cheek and wiping her tears away with the pad of his thumb. "I would never hurt you like that again. You have to know that."

Eda nodded. "I do and there are things you have to know. Do you really think I can easily discard you from my life? I only want to protect you because I care about you more than anyone else."

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