Don't Let Your Star Die Out

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Summary: Serkan gets a call that changes everything. 

A/N: Alright, so I first started writing this right after the break-up, so some things are different from canon. I apologize for any mistakes in advance. 

Serkan tried to focus on his work, he tried to draw, to sketch a landscape design but it was like every attempt was half-ass at best and he ended up ripping it and throwing it away.

It was like his talent and skills were suddenly gone. He pushed up from the work table, and walked outside leaning his arms on the banister, he looked up at the night sky, filled with stars.

It never failed to make him think of Eda, and just like a star that disappeared from the sky so did she from his life.

He wondered what she was doing, right now.

Was she getting dinner with her aunt? Was she talking with the girls on the terrace?

Was she by some chance staring up at the same night sky, looking at the stars thinking of him?

He doubted it. She hated him now. She probably didn't spare him a second thought unless she had to.

They weren't together and that was on him. He couldn't bring himself to tell her the truth and instead ended things, hoping it would save her from pain in the long run.

It hurt. It hurt so damn much to let her go. To let go of the plans and dreams he had for their future and now he was alone. He was miserable. Every day was a test of his strength and his love to do what's best for Eda.

He dreamed of telling her the truth. He dreamed of her being understanding and forgiving him.

He dreamed of them running away together where no one can find them.

Serkan dreamed of marrying Eda, waking up in the morning to her dark eyes full of life and her beautiful smile. He dreamed of holding her in his arms with her being heavy with his child. Their child. He dreamed of what their lives could be.

However, fate was too cruel and instead had thrown impossible circumstances of the past at them that ruined any chance they had at a future together.

There wasn't much more fate could do to him at this point.

His phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out to see, Melo was calling him.

He frowned. Why would Melek be calling him? He answered it. "Hello?"

Melo's heavily breathing came over the line. "Serkan ?"

Serkan tensed, Melek never called him by his name, it was always brother in law and he could hear her crying. "Melek, what is wrong?"

"There's been an acc-accident." She said through her tears.

Serkan's heart pounded in his chest, a feeling of trepidation spreading through him, hoping she wouldn't say the name he thought she was going to say.

"Eda, she -" Melo choked on her tears, her voice breaking.

"Eda? What about Eda, Melek?!" Serkan asked sharply, every muscle tensing with the need to protect himself.

Melo let out a sob, her voice a strangled noise.

"Melek!" Serkan snapped. "What happened to Eda!? Was she in an accident?!"

"Yes," Melo cried. "Serkan, it's not good."

Serkan's phone crashed to the floor as pain tore through his chest that had him choking on his next breath. His legs gave out from beneath him, he hit the ground, his knees slamming on impact but he couldn't feel it, all he could see was Eda.

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