You're Family - Part 2

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Summary: Serkan and Eda have dinner with Aydan.

A/N: So this is a continuation of the last prompt.

I apologize for any mistakes grammar or otherwise.

Aydan looked up at the sound of approaching steps, her first reaction was to greet her son with a welcoming smile but faltered, her smile dimming as Eda walked beside him in her simple clothing a black tank top and white cut-off shorts paired with a jean jacket, her hair pulled back in a high ponytail.

The girl's fashion was too lacking in her opinion.

"Eda," Aydan forced a smile. "I believe I made it quite clear that dinner is a family affair."

"Then there is no reason Eda shouldn't join us tonight," Serkan interjected. "She's with me. I think that makes her family enough."

Aydan looked at her son not liking the way he looked at her as if he was daring her to argue with him. "Of course."

Eda reached out and deliberately took Serkan's hand in hers, lacing their fingers together and raising their hands, pressing a kiss to the engagement ring Serkan still wore.

Aydan's eyes narrowed on their hands and forced herself not to react.

"Thank you for having me." Eda smiled sweetly. "Now that we will be seeing more of each other without any false pretenses I think it's an excellent time for us to get to know each other better. The way Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law should."

"Seyfi!" Aydan calls out loudly, forcing her smile to stay in place.

Seyfi appeared at her side.

"I need something to drink. Now." Aydan all but ordered.

Seyfi nodded and was gone, he was back by the time Serkan and Eda took their seats. Serkan moving his chair closer to Eda's.

"Eda, it is so good to see you," Seyfi greeted while pouring Aydan a glass of wine.

"It's good to see you, too." Eda smiled at him.

"You will be seeing much more of Eda," Serkan held Eda's hand atop the table in his mother's view.

Aydan lifted her glass to her lips taking a large drink but she nearly spat it out when she saw the fake engagement ring glinting on Eda's finger. "Why do you wear the facetious engagement ring?!" She demanded. "The contract is over is it not? There is no need to carry on the charade of a future wedding."

Eda looked at Serkan, wondering if he wanted to be the one to tell his mother.

Serkan lifted their clasped hands and pressed his lips against Eda's inner wrist before addressing his mother who was glowering at the show of affection. "Contract is over but we are engaged to be married. For real this time."

Seyfi listened with rapt attention, fighting back a smile.

Aydan burst out laughing. "You are funny, Serkan. I see Eda's strange humor is rubbing off on you."

Serkan looked at his mother straight-faced. "I am serious, mom. This is not a joke. Eda and I love each other. We are to be married."

"Have you lost your mind, Serkan?!" Aydan demanded. "You have only been dating for a few months. This is too soon. Too fast."

"It's not. Not for me." Serkan shook his head. "I've wasted so much time already with my games and I am done playing them." He turned and looked at Eda who smiled back at him. "I'm not gonna waste another moment."

Eda smiled reaching her hand up to cup his jaw, uncaring that his mother was watching him. "You make me very happy, Serkan Bolat."

She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his in a brief kiss.

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